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    I think Elephant suit was pretty distinct but there wasn’t much designed around it that mattered. You could break through blocks, send objects hurling, and use the trunk to water and sprout plants but it rarely led to any meaningful secret. Same was true with the Drill power-up really. There were a couple of hidden

    This just sounds like what they did with Netflix years ago.

    I mean if her only condition was she didn’t want to do that alone, how hard would it be to get a PA to sit in with them or something. Or just film the scenes without the rehearsal if that is what was needed to close the production.

    It’s a bit sad because the show has been on for so long and every new season feels a bit like chicken noodle soup on a cold day. But the show got a really long run and the later seasons have been weaker and weaker. Just hope Shoresy stays on the air for a few more seasons and Keeso keeps getting new projects.

    As a fried cheese fiend, I personally disagree. The typical thicker breading on mozz sticks make them way better with dipping sauces like marinara and ranch and provides a better texture contrast for better umami.

    Would you throw down for a $240 beer?

    None of those are movies.

    Have said it on every Marvel article - the MCU should have retained its formula for Phases. Have three-year phase with a handful of solo movies or smaller team-ups that lead to an event movie that pays off at least a handful of the post-credit hints and setups. I know there was some things out of Marvel’s control with

    Chapek wasn’t a good CEO by any means but Iger is the one who pushed for Disney+ which is really the root of all of the problems Disney has had lately. Marvel had to double their output because D+ needed original content. 

    I mean that same company did put Star Wars on a break though. There hasn’t been a new Star Wars movie in four years and it’s going to be another few years before we see one as none of the many rumored projects seem to have started filming (AFAIK at least).

    Personally found invisibility to be by far the worst - a badge that makes the game harder is good in concept but this one just made it not fun.

    Just finished the game 100% last night and continue to think this is a good but not great game. The Wonder gimmicks were fun but IMO didn’t land as well as Odyssey’s gimmick of being able to transform into various enemies and things. The Bubble Mario power-up never justified its inclusion.

    I just finished the game entirely yesterday and going to respectfully disagree here. The majority of the special world levels are not that difficult at all - the only one I had even a slight challenge with was the Goomba level and even that only took 20 or so lives to get through. There were a few that I beat in my

    Also why is it linked to splitting checks? Most POS systems make splitting checks super easy to do nowadays. 

    First - there are six non-holiday weeks left including this week. Second, I highly doube Amazon cares one bit about airing episodes during holiday weeks. They released Wheel of Time S1 around this same time in 2021 and had new episodes that aired on Black Friday and Christmas Eve.

    Another thing to note - they’re only releasing half of the season (four episodes) this year. 

    I have since I travel for work all the time and I have to say, I’m as flustered as he is at the concept.

    Always weird to me when people claim a super popular show that still makes $1B a year in syndication “doesn’t hold.” Does it make you feel better to lie to yourself?

    I’m on the sixth world now and so far I’ve enjoyed it but haven’t been obsessed with it like I was with Odyssey. It’s a solid platformer with some nice innovations for the franchise but I just can’t understand some of the GOTY talk around it, especially since it came out in the same year as TotK. My biggest complaint

    Hopkins has even admitted to not remembering his time as Odin at all lol.