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    I mean Cliff and Donna also didn’t have much screen time. It was a bit more predictable, IMO in part because we’ve seen a few seasons of the show, but don’t see it as a bad thing. 

    Hasn’t every episode had a similar finale? I saw the roundtable say there is always a last second twist but is that really true? The first season reveals Amy Ryan’s bassoon cleaner in the ninth episode and the second season’s ninth episode ends with speculation that Cinda was the killer before revealing it was someone

    Have you watched the Manningcast? They bring on a lot of random celebrities, many of whom are not football experts. Their show is focused more on entertainment than traditional analysis / commentating. 

    Kind of makes my point though - The Donna was a S6 plot and her becoming COO happens in S7. Both were equally ridiculous plots to the things that happened in S8-S9.

    I’m a pretty big fan of the show (watched it live and multiple rewatches since) and blue skies era in general. I never minded S8 and S9 that much although I did hate what they did with Katrina (Amanda Schull deserved better material than terrible headaches and romantic subplots with a married subordinate). They seemed

    You’re missing a couple of god damnits and dialogue that references something said earlier - like the below:

    It doesn’t even seem to be beating it in terms of individual viewers as it hasn’t hit the peaks One Piece has on Netflix’s top-ten lists that they release. It’s a nine-season show, as others have pointed out, with way more hours of available episodes than One Piece has right now.

    DCA did this before its renovations and I hated it. As a traveler, my first goal is to get bags checked and to get through security because the times to do those things can be variable. I wouldn’t be able to relax and enjoy a drink or a quick meal if I knew I had to get through security still. And it sucked having

    I have the opposite complaint. In the first movie, the direction goes to painstaking lengths to show how Wick prepares. When henchmen are coming to his house, he is ready for them. When he goes after his target, he infiltrates buildings and takes people out individually as long as he can before putting himself out in

    I’m a really big fan of the John Wick movies - me and two of my good friends have made a point to see every one on opening weekend and we’ve seen all four of them multiple times in theaters (which is rare for me). They’re fun movies because the action scenes are great.

    My point was that Chiptole needs like 5-6 people working every shift and they’re severely understaffed at all locations by me. So I don’t think the 2-3 jobs that are filled (or management type positions) really go away.

    From my last few visits to Chipotle where I’ve always faced long waits because there are only 2-3 people trying to man the grill, all stations of assembly, and register, I don’t know that many jobs will be replaced.

    I think he’d be the wrong fit for the role - he leans into obnoxiousness way too much. I enjoy his sketches (and I liked Detroiters) just fine but Michael worked because Carrell was the right mix of likeable and awkward.

    Joe Pera being cast would be the only thing that would get me excited about this.

    Heels was a good show and I think Amell’s initial comments about the strike was frustration around the likelihood that the show was going to be cancelled while he and the rest of the cast were barred from promoting it - it was his passion project. 

    Gareth Edwards being involved was enough to sell me on giving it a chance. I do agree that the trailers are weird and don’t seem to align with the movie’s plot summary and it’s also odd to hype up how good the reviews are before anyone can read reviews.

    You see this in Netflix&Amazon, both of which showrunners\writers\actors have been upfront about how much weight the “algorithm” has in their production process.

    Not in the industry so honestly asking - is the three year duration of the agreement as disappointing as it sounds or is that just normal? The strike lasted for just under 5 months and it would suck for the WGA to need another one in three years.

    Yea I tried watching GMW when it came out...just wasn’t made for adults who grew up on BMW lol. Which is totally fine. Someday maybe I’ll try to at least watch the episodes Shawn showed up in.

    One of my favorite shows from when I was a kid. I rewatched a good bit of it last year and still enjoyed it quite a bit. Always wished they didn’t make Eric such a buffoon in the later seasons - he was my favorite character in the middle seasons when he was figuring out his life after initially not getting into