This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper
Oh, my God. Professor Swan has a former grad student doing a postdoc at UVA and she lives around Fourth and Water, and she would definitely be involved in the counterprotest. I’m going to make him call her ASAP.
He just tweeted, literally, #alllivesmatters.
Can’t wait for the strong condemnation from the President for this terrorist attack, similar to how he responded so swiftly and strongly to the terrorist attack in London that used a vehicle to run down pedestrians.
I’m still in disbelief that we’re apparently issuing governmental policy via 140 characters on a third-party private service.
That bit immediately made me think of the scene in “Dead Man Walking” after the failed clemency hearing, when the dad of the murdered boy goes up to Sister Helen and asks her why she’s never tried to reach out to the parents of the murdered teens and she goes “I’m so sorry, you’re so right, here’s my card, please call…
Semi off topic but, I read a lot of Ask A Manager and whenever there’s a question where someone was treated so terribly they’re refusing to return to work the comment section is almost perfectly divided on how an apology should be handled. It’s like 50% say “contact the employee and apologize, I would be enraged if…
More apology available upon request.
I read that as “if you want to call and yell at me, I’m open to it but please don’t post it on the internet because I can’t handle any further bad press right now”. Not that it’s any better, if you’ve offended so many people that you don’t even know in what ways you may have offended, you’re a real piece of trash.
And his supermom, has, no question, had to eat a ton of shit and fend off a ton of grope entitled assholes in her life—she just didn’t tell her kid about it.
And his supermom, has, no question, had to eat a ton of shit and fend off a ton of grope entitled assholes in her life—she just didn’t tell her kid about it.
I hate it when men respond to these stories with anecdotes about the women in their life who took no shit. You can be a quick-thinking badass and still freeze in situations where you’re being assaulted. It has nothing to do with how strong, smart or brave you are.
No no no we can’t explore the lives of women with lots of responsibility and power and how they juggle that with their personal desires. That is BOOORING! Give me some immature misbehaved entitled Real Houseviwes of the 60s please! I am not at all bored of all the TV shows and movies about the jet-set, not at all..
Honestly the ‘jet set princess with the messy personal life’ sounds pretty dull and done. We’ve got reality show after reality show featuring the young and rich and playful.
Hopefully she’ll be more fun this season but I hated Margaret last season. I couldn’t wait for her to be off my screen everytime she was on it. Her romance was boring and her entitlement without any sense of obligation to go with it was enraging.
I think Jessica Chastain is a draw, just a different draw than Matt Damon. It is also hard to tell how large her role was initially intended to be. Perhaps it was cut significantly down during editing. It may be because they approached her saying that she and Matt Damon would be the leads in a movie, and that would…
You are right it’s better off on the CW. CBS has been allergic to serialized storytelling for years (POI & The Good Wife notwithstanding).
They blew their final shred of credibility when they got rid of Supergirl. I think it’s in better hands on the CW, and I’m glad they chose to save it, but CBS really should have given it more time to grow.