
I just want to point out that there was also literally an article just like an hour ago about how a food critic should have done the research to know the restaurateur he was writing about had committed domestic violence, yet their very next article was a story about how a clothing company doesn’t have plus size

Let’s us 20+ size ladies use the comments to share actually great, inclusive brands yall might not know about (one cannot live on a diet of Forever 21 and Asos alone).

the possibility of the United States starting our own Worldwide Network to show the World the way we really are

Trump also does not “believe” the latest report confirming that the effects of climate change have already been felt across the U.S. and will get worse if we don’t take action. “Right now, we’re the cleanest,” he said, comparing the U.S. to China... Japan... and “all of Asia.” Alright well, nothing racist and

Something has to be done, including the possibility of the United States starting our own Worldwide Network to show the World the way we really are, GREAT!

What percentage of the shitheads who work in the five plants that are closing who voted for Trump will admit that they fucked up and voted against their own self-interests? Is it none?

Once again jezebel, third-wave rag, writes about sex worker by featuring white, well-paid, women. A woman who would have other economic options. Never the women in brothels who are billed for every tampon they use and leave more broken and (literally) broke than when they entered. Or the numerous places where sex work

There are stigmas related to just about every aspect of pregnancy and motherhood. I don’t care if she’s a sex worker as her regular day job, but yeah I’ll judge the hell out of her for doing it while pregnant if there’s even a <.0001% chance it could harm the baby. I would judge any working mom whose job put the baby

Ugh I have to use Instagram to hustle business for myself and I HATE being part of that system. I’m trying to steer my career in a direction that I won’t rely so much on social media but frankly Instagram has been the single most useful tool for me to launch a business and make money from it (I’m an artist/illustrator

Clearly the apple didn’t fall far from the tree:

They are all just trying to get through it with freezing their tits off.

I can only imagine. Maybe the guys start behaving poorly once they get engaged? Or they balk at the prenup. I can imagine rich douches expecting Paris to become a Stepford Wife, and her being like uhh you don’t know me at all do you?

It does sort of raise the question of why we go through the charade tho

I always assumed everyone was lip syncing in the parade because it was the end of November in New York, and there would be no way even the best singer could sing properly when it was freezing and your nose was dribbling. Like, I assumed that even as a kid.

Agreed. The mechanics of singing live on a moving platform outside make a live performance unreasonable. 

I’m no fan of Rita Ora, but this is dumb. People have lip-synced forever in parades and unless you live in a cave, you should know this.

I wonder why Paris Hilton has never been married. Half a dozen regrettable marriages would fit the profile. Afaik, she’s never even had a quickie Vegas-wedding that was annulled as soon as she could call her dad's lawyer

Yeesh... now I have a somewhat better understanding of Heidi Moneymaker’s badassery... O_o

Yup. And I wasn’t comparing our situation to a medical professional’s, you were.  We don’t make Dr money and we don’t save lives so it’s kind of a false equivalency, no?

I’m in the union but I don’t get to decide when what time the crew is done working. We make good overtime after 12 hours but the toll it takes on you is detrimental in ways you are too tired to understand. I’m extremely fortunate to have union benefits and a decent wage, but it is at the cost of seeing my family and