
61 percent of Americans share your disgust, according to today’s Quinnipiac poll. The fact Trump can continue to hold office despite overwhelming opposition to his policies is a defect of our Democracy 1.0 system.

I always feel that way about Britney. Like she had more money than god, fame almost destroyed her, and she could live a quiet life with her boys. But I guess there’s really no chance at a normal life once you’ve been super famous.

It’s like a drug though, the attention I’m guessing.

Shouldn’t the Biebs have enough money he can comfortably retire? Or like ... change careers? He doesn’t seem to enjoy his very much.

They may have been detained when they first entered the country, or at some other point while here. They were not deported as soon as detained, but given a case number and asked to do routine check-ins, which they apparently did for years with no problem until now.

They were raised to value things over people.

And now that, under Trump, serving in the military will no longer make you a citizen, there’s really no hope of becoming naturalized. They’ve removed all incentive to even try becoming legal, and then they scream “YOU HAD 20 YEARS TO BECOME A CITIZEN, WHY DIDN’T YOU!?!” as they throw you into a van to send you back

It is really looking like a portion of the US would rather burn everything down and then shoot themselves, instead of let brown people touch things.

Which sounds amazingly close to what a domestic abuser might do.

Dont forget the point about the fact that even just one single ICE agent wasting their time on this bullshit means that someone actually bad is just skating on by while decent people that try to do the right thing get punished.

Just a couple of random questions (beyond my What the Hell?!?! Isn’t someone who earned a scholarship exactly who this country wants, who should get a path?) -

I don’t know how all the boomers got this fucked up, but we really need to figure out why.

Not sure I understand the sarcasm here. I think it’s fair to say a victim isn’t at fault for being stalked or harassed, no matter how much social media presence they have.

I was so nasty to the graphic designer who made our wedding invitations.

Over $125???? Nightmare people, calm thy tits. Read thy original contract. Get thee to a nap.

She had such an aesthetic in the early days. All she wore were tight satin dress shirts or lingerie dresses that made her boobs look way saggy. Paired with diamond hoop earrings, acrylic French manicure, and drinking chardonnay INSIDE HER BENTLEY CONVERTIBLE IN A STRIP MALL PARKING LOT as she listened to her own songs.

Really interesting about Dietrich. I knew she had her legs insured, but didn’t know that part of the story. Thanks!

Insurance companies only exist because they deny, deny, deny legitimate claims. Does anyone on here work for one? Do you feel it’s an ethical occupation?

Lloyd’s would have made Kanye undergo a complete medical exam (probably including psych) before issuing such an enormous completion bond. But sick isn’t always predictable, and while his claim is legitimate, show business can be brutal about accommodating such things.

I’ve got zero issue with marijuana use, but how it impacts someone who is suffering from an existing serious mental condition can be quite different to how it impacts someone without one.

or this will allow the pharmacy industry to start cashing in on that sweet sweet weed money.