
No, women are not allowed to be old. Women are only allowed to be young, nubile and desirable. Women of every age have had to fight for everything else, and the only reason old women are not ignored is because they refuse to be ignored. It’s not anything anyone is granting them. They claim it.

My sister is a corporate attorney for some companies you’ve heard of. She told me, “can’t stop getting sued” is part of those businesses’ budgeted expenses.

Kimsaprincess, Inc. sounds like an AOL email address that someone picked out as a kid and/or like one of those businesses that gets started by a very entrepreneurial 11-year-old and then gets picked up by Whole Foods.

I mean, to defend business leaders a bit, this is also not how you run a business.

Now the shit pudding can hit the fan - if the sale of his hedge fund to the Chinese collapses, it proves his appointment was motive for a Foreign Corrupt Practices Act violation. If the sale goes through , but for one cent less than the previously announced $90million, it proves the same, because he’d be accepting

Omg, guys. We are living in an episode of the Apprentice, aren’t we?

Now playing

All the while with that self deprecation that none of his accusers have:

John Oliver just did a marvelous piece in response to Jones’ accusation that Oliver takes Jones out of context when reporting on his insane ranting. Turns out that Jones’ imagined conspiracies are very closely tied to the crap he’s trying to sell on his website. Oliver is so good at turning his critics’ words against

When you get into stories about child actors auditioning for roles where they need to be upset, the stories out of context can seem very disturbing (and, of course, this story has the added element of these being kids who are actually poor).

I read the description exactly as Angelina is saying it happened, and so did most people I’ve seen on the internet. They admit the point was to see which (poor) kid had the strongest reaction to being presented with a pile of money and having it taken away. They picked the one who genuinely burst into tears at what

It’s like she’s drawing inspiration from Bieber and Cyrus *shudder*

The last bachelor party I attended, I was the DD. We went out to dinner at a nice restaurant, then held a party on the roof of someone’s apartment building. I drove people home who didn’t walk or take mass transit. Nobody got stupid-drunk, although better safe than sorry. It was not an event for the ages, but it was

This is a happy and healthy Macaulay Culkin.

I like to imagine myself being Ryan Lizza. Like that call - how many of those are you going to get in your career? And you can’t be giddy or flabbergasted. You just have to hold it together somehow. That’s like journalist Christmas.

This just makes me sad.

Again, sorry to be that person: he’s the director of communications, not press secretary. And some words from Toby seem appropriate:

Ebb and flow? I think that’s how most marriages are. But if this has become the new norm, you might want to make a romantic evening, whether you’re really into it or not. You don’t want intimacy to completely disappear.

If it’s not ok for one of you, it’s not ok. Talk to him about it! Make sure neither of you has a medical condition or medication affecting your sex drive. Talk to him about it!

Omg am I firsties?!