
i thought that was the joke, he's so used to this he thinks nothing of shaking hands at a urinal. I do drug testing at work regularly and I even throw my pens away after a client writes w/ them, as about 95% of them NEVER wash their hands after giving a sample. It's so scheezy, I have to say to gown-ass men " Do you

eh, I a do about 10 urine tests a day for my clients (drug counselor) and after 14 years of it, you just skip the gloves. They make it bulky and cumbersome, and cripes, urine is sterile anyway. It did seem funny to me that after many years of this, I finally saw something that I could relate my arduous nights of

just piles of poop, all around that big desk and in the corners

its finally the time when white middle-upper class women will be taken down. Jeez, that only took 50 years or so, and all it took was the lecherous disgustingess of Drumpf to finally do it.

I've been watching MAKING HISTORY and I could have told you this guy is gakked to the gills on the yayo and smoke. But he's so dang good at what he does, eh, let him have his vape back.

I "wrote" a story once which was just my ripped-off version of a Stephen King short about a town where all the dead rock stars live, like Jimi Hendrix jams at the coffee shop w/ Buddy Holly, etc, and the couple gets stuck there at the Concert in Eternity. It was very well received by my family, who started showing

in fairness, in my pothead pizza delivery driver years, it made PERFECT SENSE to write a movie starring me, featuring my exploits, like the time I got pulled over after delivering pizza to a crackhouse and the cops did not believe I was not a drug dealer in disguise (a pizza outfit w/ a pizza-company ballcap and

Does that sign say B-Q-E???

i used to write murder stories in which my classmates and pals would get violently and creatively murdered (in context of the plot, OBVIOUSLY). Back then kids would line up to request they be included, and I recall a teacher in 5th grade reading it and saying "Adam, you're a screwed up kid" and laughing. Today? I'd be

I recently found a script I wrote at age 14 in which a homeless crack addict accidentally kills a nun at his shelter in a nightmare-induced sleep attack, then meets the embodiment of Jesus in a bathroom in which Jesus reveals himself as something of the characters ego/id, who encourages him to run and go on a crime

ha, wait until we make ladders illegal in the US. That will put an end to that nonsense, fast. (Republicans will have no problem decimating the massive US ladder market out of production, if it supports Benito Trump-alini and his wishes.)

My dad served in Nam, and he's become kind-of a dick later in life. I guess we're trying to say, even dickish ex-soldiers are better than President Trump. Is that right?

then its a mental illness issue, and we need to address that immediately. By, you know, not banning the mentally ill from obtaining guns. But, you know, we'll sort that out later! Maybe we can keep them in hospitals, forever. But they don't have healthcare anymore…ok, never mind. Lets just blame mental illness and go

hey, remember when Paul Ryan went through that 4-month "I'm going to take on Poverty and help the lower class" schtick for a bit? That was HILARIOUS! He almost got us to believe he gave half a shit about people that were not 1%'ers.

WHITE HOUSE: "Hey, how can we eviscerate the American people's services and needs, while simultaneously revealing ourselves as soulless, careless, heartless monsters that are only focused on making the rich richer and taking away more of the few things that keep the poor and sick alive and functioning?"

yeah, that makes sense. Good for Capt. Picard, he deserves to be feeling good at all times.

this is awful, the clip- its like someone told a 13 yr old kid to do a Trump monologue, but he didn't want to really offend his Aunt Janet from Palm Beach who is a #MAGA supporter and has a picture of POTUS on her mantle when she met him at a golf club fundraiser in Tampa

It took me a full day or two to realize the site changed, because i log in at work 97% of the time- and my work site went into some crazy 1997 looking webpage style wherein I cant read any articles, and it looks like it was in beta-testing mode or something. I think I wont be able to look at it at work anymore, which

it…can…be…two things?

I think its a shtick! He's having a Kanye style meltown (I hope?)!!!