
I think the thing thats important about this, is the Trump comments came off as something kind of vague/random until you think of this context. I admit I thought of his statement as being a kind of metaphorical "I can F—k anyone I want" line (by "grabbing their p—-y" and not in a literal "I can use my hands to grab

Or the oft-quoted JFK speech: "Ask not what your country can do for you…but how you can grab that country's pussy and get up in it." What a gem, this DT is turning out to be. And to think, people thought he might not be morally capable of being POTUS.

"When compared to" is the template there, but Ryan, for all his worth in his fight-against-poverty and willingness to put himself into situations wherein he is literally in a room of people he's insulted or been at odds with, and offer to actually listen and talk, and has shown himself willing to change his tune- is

i just noticed this. I'm actually "ajvia" but this is posting me as "malicky", a name I used once years ago to create an account. How in the holy hell did I revert back to this account? What the hell is a Malicky? How do I go back to being myself? AJ Via

the line for my movie poster of my story called ICE CREAM WARS (tv pilot, based on my own days selling ice cream for a gangster and fighting other ice cream men) was LEAVE THE GUN, TAKE THE CONE. I like yours, but, you know, copyrights.

Ok, this is getting out of control. I wrote a movie called ICE CREAM WARS 20 years ago- it was optioned back in 2000, then went into pre-production (I got paid for an option) and was at casting/location scouting when 9/11 happened- and the project got scuttled because the "bad guys" were Pakistani ice cream man

its kind of hilarious because the bulk of the site- I go on there a lot and have to avoid being sucked down the idiot hole of angry, Fox news loving NPR-haters that for some reason hang around the site- is absolutely the same 100 commenters spending days saying nasty, horrible shit to the NPR fans. And the thing they

um…it was 16 yrs ago. Leslie was still alive, and actually quite spry. If I recall he was like power-walking with weights and shit. Awesome senior citizen.

AL Story. (First off, like, best live show I've seen in 20 years. Comparable to Lollapalooza 95 (Beasties, Pumpkins, Beck, a young Green Day, Hole) and Ben Folds Five/Beck show in 2000. Saw him in NYC at an NYU student show. I was 17. Waited outside for an hour, he came out with his band, we all got autographs. Al

Al is timeless. He still looks like he did in 1983. I met him back in 96,98 or so- he looks, in person, like a 25 yr old. At the time he was 39. (I know because he bagan dating my 19 yr old friend, and he was 2x her age.) Coolest. Dude. Ever. Signed my drivers license as an organ donor witness, and came to see ROCKY

oh, man, what a shame. Who knew the DUCK DYNASTY redneck jerkoffs would have distasteful, hateful, ignorant philosophical views? I'm just, frankly, shocked.

did you hear of this "UNDER THE SKIN" movie she did in scotland, where she plays an alien, and she drove around picking up hitchhikers and hanging out with them, and supposedly like, made out with some of them and fooled around with another? I think Mark Romanek made it? I'm a 35 yr old married dad, and I literally

as someone who recognizes- rightly so- what an amazing, important actor this guy is- and I would put him in my top 2 or 3 current/generational actors- how could you refuse to see what he spent over a year creating/writing/living/acting/pranking a la Andy Kaufman, even if it isn't always enjoyable or "good"? I felt

-She easily could have been allowed back in, with little fanfare, as part of the CIA's EAP program for mentally ill agents. Or not acknowledged as an agent. Working as Carrie M. Athison now.
-About as believable as killing the VP and then walking out of the office. If you're watching HOMELAND for believability,