something something Jeff Epstein
something something Jeff Epstein
and funnily enough, he was terrible on it too! God, this guy is consistent!
James Marsden misunderstands comment above and shows up in THE BOX cosplay outfit for new Spike Lee ANGEL reboot movie audition
When I was a precocious 15 year old in 1995, we put on RESERVOIR DOGS at a production night in my high school.
yes, he clearly became gay and married a man to further his national political ambitions. This guy is obviously pretending to be someone he isn’t.
I would. I’m not a fan, and he’s not my pick, but he is not a Republican. There, I said it, so you don’t have to.
it was the only book I’ve ever read that kept me up at night. Made me turn on lights as I was so unsettled reading alone in my dank silent and too lonely basement.
hot take: you should have left. Swept the table w/ your arm, screamed “NO MORE MAROON 5 EVER!” and stormed out.
Just what I woulda done.
ha, says the denier who supplied ‘er
the colostomy bag of presidents
in fairness, most of them don’t exactly “look the part” and that’s one of the reasons people have such incredulity over accused abusers, “we never would have thought” of them, etc.
Evil often hides in plain sight, and sometimes looks like Christian Slater!
he loved it, because they say “Christmas” and that’s entirely because of DJT. He is responsible for the cultural shift in the holiday greetings, and I assure you while I was originally making a joke about him it has now become obvious that this is probably 100% true.
Mooney should be the head writer, and also the other writers. That’s all.
Try this one on for size, then:
haha Noah remember him>
Whatever happened to that guy?
OMG I thought the same thing, the timing of real-life ridiculousness and bullsh*t has met the fictional world in which it appeared to be a silly, crazy concept, but, lo and behold...
Y: the last man
I think it was SAVE ME DAN which would a, make sense to the people it needed to, and B, a lot easier to write in flattened clone-corpse language than DREIBERG.
From the memo on RORSCHACH’s JOURNAL, which is on Wiki Petey, which is an awesome trove of supporting docs and such:
of course not, they will win empathy from the “good whites” who worry that things will be “taken out of context” and “used against” them when they’re CLEARLY not meaning to be racist when using racist terms or statements.