
...then a bunch of people who have only heard of them tangentially hear them for the fist time, and instead of having the normal reaction of, “Eh, this really isn’t my bag” they try to prove that this Big New Thing being talked about is somehow objectively bad.

I kinda hate all sides in this one

In fairness Bon Iver is objectively bad

If you think a moody singer staging a stunt on TV was the death of punk rock, you’re gonna be really upset to see what has happened to Gwen Stefani.

I’ll forgive them if their 90s sitcom model is Frasier complete with intertitles and snooty opera jokes.

I saw The Limey in the theater when it came out, but had to go find a clip on YouTube to refresh my memory of that scene. I really should go watch that whole movie again.

Then you’ve got to watch this. And then go watch The Limey, where he has one of the best line deliveries in cinematic history. His character doesn’t even get a name, IIRC, he just shows up, has an awesome scene, and leaves.

Now playing

That’s because it’s almost entirely based off of the Family Ties intro.

King also praised the exctetable Dark Tower movie. He’s praised pretty much every adaptation of his work BUT the one that ended up a stone cold film classic, The Shining.

CBS brought up a massive dumptruck full of money and dumped it on his lawn, and his two adult children are the ones who adapted it for CBS, so he is not going to say he hated it.

I’m calling bullshit on the 24M part.

we’ve heard nothing montrous about Robert Plant, Jimmy Page, Mick Jagger.”

Despite some decent to fine acting, The Undoing was also shit and doesn’t deserve anything resembling a “best” award (except maybe for Grant who did what he could with a horribly written role).

in the wee early hours of Sept 24 1998, I and what felt like a few hundred fans hung out with most of Pearl Jam after the last show on the tour, that was almost cancelled due to a hurricane watch being posted. The fellas paid for everything at the bar, and it was just, fucking amazing. Matt, Stone, Mike, Jeff, Ed,

but I just can’t stand the idea that Dave Grohl was the only decent person making rock music in the mid 90s.”

Oh this thread is doing bad things in my brain... which is now justifying throwing $2-3k at importing a Kei van and making it a mini camper.

Cleaver 2: Still Cleaving After All These Years

Hi. I’m one of many victims/survivors of Nesset’s. He pursued me when I was a teenager and has remained a terrifying presence in my life ever since. I was so relieved when he went to prison because I finally got to experience a sense of relative safety. He is the reason many of us have depression, PTSD, and horrific

I’m not sure why I keep getting people thinking I said all crimes are the same, I never did and I don’t think they are. I think it’s especially telling that the people that said it always compare it to smaller crimes and not say, murder or selling drugs to a parent that then leads to said parent to be negligent to

Okay so we don't believe in rehabilitation now or is it just sex offenders that cannot be rehabilitated? If that is what you're going with why not just death penalty them right now and save everybody money? What he did is definitely very bad but being beyond rehabilitation seems very problematic.