
I went to Mizzou and these dudes are the biggest clowns on the face of the earth. No one respects them or cares about them. Picture a bunch of slightly overweight dudes in plaid shorts standing in the most trafficked spot on campus doing "comedy" bits (shouting offensive shit at eachother) then looking around to see

Just to offer up some useful information in the comment section...

Also OJ didn't kill Nicole and Lance never doped.

Now playing

In related news, people have been mispronouncing Porsche for decades. Even the Germans themselves.

There is another trick to the photo that no one has brought up yet. Put your ear to your screen and you can hear the car depreciating.

You know what I like? Sometimes, I like walking.

Completely different sort of terrifying but... What I fear most on any drive is seeing this:

Let me get this out of the way right up front: Fuck You!

Saw one of these fly over the suburbs of DC once...the thing is straight terrifying from the ground. I love it.

I'm an Air Transportation specialist. Our job is to essentially process, then transport anything and anyone we can to commercial and Military Cargo planes. We have many different tools for the job, but our "pride and joy" would probably be the 60k "Tunner" Loader. The vehicle is capable of transporting 60,000 LB's of



What are you talking about? No car company would ever take such a radical concept and change it so drastically as to be an unrecognizable bland box.

I did not make this

This guy just wants y'all to know that, unlike Alabama, the state of Louisiana allows its universities to acknowledge the fact that dinosaurs once existed.

Is he doing a zombie? Thriller? Either way, that's a pretty worn out cliché. I would've gone with something with les miles on it.