
Except it's not new.

It's really sad to see a nice young man like that behaving so recklessly and throwing away his chance to give himself permanent brain damage professionally.

Look, if you've ever been under the tyrannical reign of a high school marching band director who is just really fed up with your shit, you stupid idiots, and who got into this because he genuinely loved music in college and thought he could pass that joy on but now all you scum-sucking assholes can't even nail your

The football team scurries for cover. The band plays on.


Meth Pipe?

Wow, I'm glad Lake made it out okay. I've had a swollen hand before ( mosquito bites) and let me tell you guys, its nearly impossible to do anything other than curl up into a ball, and suck your thumb while repeatedly crying for your mother. A pacifier can sometimes help, maybe that's what Lake did, but he's a brave

What a difference a story makes when you have ALL of the facts. Seems to me there's a lesson to be learned in here somewhere.

he pilot didn't "charge" anything. No money changed hands. He didn't even give the guy a chance to pull his wallet out..."It doesn't matter" and he turned around. Nice how we can just take things out of context and crucify this guy for volunteering his time and skill. Found this post over on liveleak:

I think the confusion here is that guy asking for a flight out and the woman with the parents dont actually know each other. The pilot was concerned more about helping the woman with the elderly parents than the guy that had no real emergency. I see nothing wrong here.... move along.

Yeah, he was not being greedy, he just wanted them to go away. He clearly was going to help people that actually needed it and wanted no part of them.

This is just another example of half-assed journalism with no real facts and draw your own conclusion story based on a limited video clip. Pathetic! Stop wasting my time!

Um, how is this Jalopnik?

Is jalopnik turning into a mainstream media outlet? Please ask yourself this before posting videos with misleading titles trying to make things look worse than they are.

There seem to be a lot of blanks begin filled in, if you ask me. The dude asking doesn't seem to be in any state of distress other than being stranded on high ground. The pilot may have spent the morning dealing with real emergencies for free. It sounds a lot to me like the pilot is doing triage on these people, who

When does the VTEC kick in, bro?

Oh, man, perfect. The stock Amigo was too reliable and far too hard to roll over for my tastes. This looks like the perfect solution.


Googling "Giant rear spoiler" returned too many good results not to share some.