
I appreciate your response and feel like it was very forthright and honest without being defensive and trying to brush aside what I said. Just doing that you are miles ahead of most of the white women in America. I don’t know any Australians nor have I ever visited. I have read some opinions from Black Americans about

what the actual fuck dude. that was a savage attack for a woman who was only contributing to the conversation. that was mean spirited and sad

Wow ok. I’m sorry you’re bitter. As a clinician and a human being I can only hope you get some help. The world is a tough enough place without carrying around all that hatred for strangers.

Do not feel guilty; you have done and are doing More Than Enough. You have not denied the experience of your racial reality in the South. You’ve educated your children of the systemic oppression of racism (giving them the strength to deal with the ignorance they’ll face, if not already).

If you ever say something that comes off as racist, don’t bring up your black kids and husband and play the victim. Just listen to what the other person is saying...

Dear Mom Anne, I have no idea if what you’re doing is right, or, missing the mark. I am in no position to make that judgement, nor provide an educated guess. You sound like a Mom who cares about her kids to me.

It depends on the mom, really. As the biracial kid of a white mom, she’s pretty woke, and to a great deal BECAUSE of us. She actually beliweves us when we tell her shit. She still has her blind spots, but she doesn’t try to pretend like having black kids makes her honorary either.

Keep doing the best you can and be open to listening and using primary sources to fact check information. Definitely a strong skill to have.

So real talk. Not being snarky.

Jesus God of America. This gets all my rage. Willful ignorance just makes my blood boil. If you’re wrong, say you’re wrong. Own up to it. Don’t scream louder and stick your fingers in your ears. “La-la-la” isn’t a coherent world view.

I find McMullin’s political career depressing - not because of anything he’s done, but because his miniscule following shows how tiny the audience is for non-crazy conservatism.

Evan McMullin and I disagree about a lot, but I will say this for him: he has opposed 45 for his entire campaign and has been vocally calling on his fellow conservatives to shut this down. He was on CNN calling out the GOP’s overall reluctance to dismiss racism - not just post-Charlottesville but always.

I am so sorry! I think we “mixed-kids” have some serious decisions that were thrust upon us. My stomach hurt while reading this, I broke off all communication with my mother’s family after the election. But unlike your mother, my mother stood by my side and did the same. I’m not sure how you can fix this, or if you

Unsolicited advice from someone who survived a very necessary estrangement from her own mother: beware of anyone who attempts to convince you that you should be able to look past this. I wish someone had told me 20 years ago that “blood is not thicker than safety.” Thank you and good luck.

*Hugs P3 and pours him some good brown liquor*