
Thanks, for this thoughtful, patient (and undeserved) response.
I’ve had many conversations with my closest friend, who’s a Black Woman from Cali,..she lives here and tells me of what her experience was like back home,..I’ll never fully understand it, but I do know this, it makes me very angry.

First-the post, made me think that you were engaged and opinioned in matters regarding race, and that you weren’t one to ‘pull punches’, which is why I asked if you may have some insight.

Second - Have you travelled overseas?
It might be worth considering that perhaps there are people in your country who want you to

Absolutely!, we’re in Australia, Black Americans are received well here, which is why there are now so many here,..but our Indigenous Black population have been the victims of historical genocide, systemic disadvantage,..and horrendous inequality,..so yeah, there is still a fight to be had. and we are active in that.

rant received,.and appreciated

I feel you on the Conservative Christian upbringing,..
4 years at a Fine Arts University and a Masters in Education and sociology whacked that out of me..still Christian,..not Conservative.
I’m with you though, empathy is the key.

great link, thanks!

Thank you so much for this.
I hadn’t thought of it that way, regarding them being glad we’re safe.
It all particularly stings today,..in the time since I first posted, my Husband’s Granny passed away,..our youngest child never even met her.
Wishing we could be there..

Duly noted!! thank you!

Much love, thanks .

Good advice, Thanks

Thanks for your comments,
Some good advice here. We do have a lot of expat US Black friends, whom we see regularly, and yes Black Women are included in that group.
We celebrate US holidays together, and gather around soul food.
We are also surrounded by a lot of friends from various African countries.
We’ve been married

For real though, then, what do we do? I’m a (foreign) white wife and mama,..My Black husband and I chose to bring up our kids in my home country overseas after I spent some time living in the racist South with him and his fam...a crash course in racial reality, that busted my white bubble completely.