
zactly, and with plastic cans they’ll tend to move on you.

It’s tough enough ensuring you don’t overfill or otherwise spill on your tank!

White turtle neck with backwards cap and ironic sunglasses and regular whiner about the coffee price he is pulling up to (the bikini coffee house?!) to buy gets a hammer through his windshield? I’m ok with this.

Same method I use for filling my motorcycle, pull the sheath back to trigger the sensor to allow for flow.  Its a PIA.

As a NY’r and Motorcycle rider I’ve encountered these. The trick is, with one hand you have to pull the sheath back enough to cause the sensor in the sheath to allow the flow to start. So with your other hand you actuate the trigger all the while you are trying not to overfill the bike. Its a royal PIA.

I guess that’s just what Tesla does.

that’s a freakin good analogy!

Far more litigious an environment IMHO and that’s made taking liberties with the rules far more verboten than it used to be.

Form before function is the design edict for this vehicle.  OAN, I got to sit in one recently and was struck by just how bargain basement the interior felt.  All the money seemed to be in the screen.  Everything else was like rental car spec.

I wouldn’t say rampant, but you’re always looking to manage the requirements and sometimes it takes a bit of creativity or ingenuity, sprinkled with a bit of vindictiveness.

As someone who’s worked in Construction for over 30yrs, this is probably the best take ! Being too specific leads to an opportunity to take advantage of that in he inverse!!

It tracks that the taste challenged orange Jesus would find the Cyber Truck attractive. He also probably doesn’t realize its Electric. “what if its raining and I touch the electric truck?”

Yes, that’s more in line. When I got married and moved into NYC, I sold my motorcycle. Then we got a house, renovations, kid, care for sick in laws, life, etc... and ffwd 15yrs and I finally got into riding motorcycles again and have been for over 8yrs. When my daughter got her drivers license, I gave her my sensible

Yeah, that would be sweet! Any of the more outrageous wagons of that time grab me. Of course I’m emotionally tied to our old 68 having spent many a roadtrip in the way back. Chrysler Newport wagons and a couple of the high spec Mercury wagons with hideaway headlights grab me too.

I will die on the Hill of Capri. The Capri’s run in the US coincided with the early to late 70's Mustangs which includes the really bloated 73 through the Mustang II years which saw Ford drastically downsize their cars and onto the beginning of the Fox bodies. Back in the day when I had my 76' Capri II with V6 and

Realistically today’s Dad (me) drives a decent sized 3 row SUV of relatively non descript looks / color. It has replaced the station wagon of the 60's-70's and the Mini van of the 80's-90's.  I’ve opted for a Mazda CX-9 but the epitome to me is a Toyota Highlander or a Ford Explorer.

I had my mid life crisis in my 30's prior to getting married and kids, but I do find myself with a 09 Audi S5 Coupe so that seems to track...but I’ve also been riding motorcycles too so...

My Dad had this car back in the early 70's. Ours was a 68. As a current Dad I’ve been looking for one of the last B wagons.  But they’ve all become way expensive.  And they too sport the Vista window in the roof but not along the sides.

they are essentially predatory and a shade away from being outright illegal. I’d try and dig out the tracker and attach it to a raft and let it go on a river.

Though I am not in that position today, I have been there in my past. But I didn’t further put myself in financial crisis by getting into what seems to be a bad/shady deal to get a 20yr old car. I was driving 20yr old cars and they got me where I was getting to but I bought what I could barely afford and NOT on