
I feel like many people are missing the main story here. If TSwift and her gaggle of lawyers were/are concerned with her public image, then why didn’t they go after the Breitbart article? Why go after this blogger instead? This is lawsuit bullying of the highest order, and I’m grateful that the ACLU is defending this

Why did she never sue the White supremacists for spreading the narrative that her lyrics are low-key supporting them?

What the hell does that have to do with anything?

Seriously. Maybe they could call their friends in the Republican Party and ask why they keep tanking the fair pay act? Or why ensuring insurance covers something as basic as birth control led to the Ultimate Republican Crybaby Bitchfest? Or why their party claims to support working families, but shrivel up like

I refuse to acknowledge requests for read receipts.

You may take Arial from me when the president announces that not only will we be switching to single payer healthcare on Friday, but that Congress has approved a guaranteed basic income, so nobody has to be homeless or hungry anymore. In short, two weeks from Never.

People certainly are being much kinder about it than I deserve. It was eye opening and horrific to read about what those children were subjected to.

Yes, the comment was ignorant. As others have pointed out I had no idea it was such a problem in Canada. My apologies for being the bumbling, loud mouth American.

The thing is, a lot of these Indigenous children were FORCIBLY removed from their home to go to these Catholic schools, where they were completely cut of from their family and culture, and where many suffered physical, psychological and sexual abuse. Their parents did not want to send them there.

In this instance it was less “sending” than “being forced to surrender to” so

They are.

I agree with this. The true mystery to me is why ‘haters’ even put in the time to go to her site. The last thing I have time for is seeking out websites of people I don’t like. This is all weird.

This is an embarrassing look for you.

Not shade.

She is black and that is known and visible however she isn’t “black black”, she isn’t using her music as a platform to express that cultural identity, her lyrical content is not involved with or preoccupied by her cultural identity nor has she (until recently) used it as platform for black activism.

Yeah, she’s from Houston, which makes her very much *not* a suburbanite. Quite the opposite, in fact. I still don’t understand how her popularity, simply because the music she made was popular, was “sidestepping” her blackness. You could just as easily say the mainstream was sidestepping whiteness by appropriating

She is a middle class suburbanite who was propelled into wealth and stardom by side stepping her blackness.

I’m getting married too. I like him. I want to marry him. Is marriage an old institution that was used to enslave women? Sure. Is it that way anymore? It doesn’t have to be. Am I an attention whore who wants everyone to watch me walk down the aisle in a pretty dress? I sure am. Will I let my father hand me

I think I’m just in a really bad mood today but this interview pissed me off. “Oh no, feminism is too mainstream so I need to call myself something else! People who call themselves feminists who don’t work to solve every single problem in the fucking world and also overthrow capitalism every minute of their lives

It must be nice to be the only person doing feminism right.