
How the heck does one vote on ncocp these days? Back in my day there was a voting button. Now...what? Mind-melding? Smoke signals?

The audio on that video is a crazy mix of car engine sounds, an Oakland drive-by, and whatever it is that Matthew McConaughey does at the beginning of Wolf of Wall Street when he’s acting like a coked-out gorilla.

Yo dawg! I owned the same year accord with the same driveline for years! And changed the slave cyl assembly in, like, fifteen minutes, bleeding included. Radiator out? You’re a masochist, hombre!! Seat the slave cyl plunger into the throwout fork before bolting the cylinder down, then you have the whole slave cylinder

I think we’re missing the opportunity that is option #1. It is literally a golden ticket to get all your time and money back from the (still) non-running project car taking up space in your garage - and get revenge on it for all those bloodied knuckles. Besides, no one said you can’t get hamboned on Buffalo Trace

Some say he sleeps neck-deep in asphalt to maintain a constant core temperature.