
Oh, weird. A crypto weirdo advocating for putting money in an incredibly risky, extremely unsound venture with another crypto weirdo? Never thought I’d see the day. Next you’re going to tell me that one of them just got caught running what increasingly appears to be a crypto-based ponzi scheme, because like, what are

To be fair, the shit these, I guess, 4? people on twitter are saying is fucking funny, and I’m sure as hell not going waste my own time scrolling a twitter feed, so if that’s what Kotaku is now, then they are providing a valuable service to me

You’re not alone with this. I can mow down people in games like there’s no tomorrow but draw the line at animals. If the game has a hunting mechanic I usually try to avoid it if I can. Like in the latest AC games where you could hunt. I also really like horror games and can’t wait for The Callisto Protocol.

I can relate. I absolutely loved the Last of Us Part 1, and was pumped about Part 2... and then I read about the dog scenes. To my understanding, they’re not THAT bad, but knowing that it’s going to happen has been enough to keep me from playing it so far, regardless of the fact that I know the scenes only make up

Idk what it says about me that I’m totally fine with watching digital human beings die and real human beings fake die in games and movies, but I often have to look away or skip parts of movies or games where animals are hurt or die, but thanks for the heads up on this.

I mean, it still sold really well used. I’m not saying that he would have been the one to buy it with his own money or anything, but there’s a decent chance he came in the store, and by the time he was ready to play it, I was working at the store that sold the most used games in Orlando. Crazier things have happened.

Gamestop sells used games too...

Hell, I might have actually SOLD his copy of Kingdom Hearts to him lol. I worked at what was at the time the only Gamestop in the immediate area, in a large shopping complex that drew people in from all over the area, when KH came out, and for several years after. That would be wild lol. Up until now, the most

I live in his district, got to vote for him. He was always going to win this part of Orlando. It’s a very young, fairly diverse part, mostly because we have the absolutely massive 60,000+ student University if Central Florida right here. Conservatives thankfully don’t have a chance in this little enclave, at least.

It’s possible people cling to old times.  I have a very left wing friend online who used to love goofing off there.  I didn't follow the site so I don't know how gradual the shift was, but it wasn't originally as bad as it is now.  I'd be surprised, unless he just liked trolling them.

Whenever 4chan is brought up elsewhere on Kotaku, some dork always shows up whine about how actually 4chan is fine and it’s just /pol/ that’s a problem and how all the other boards are wholesome and not absolute dumpster fires. They’ve actually specifically cited /v/ before, along with the cooking board. Out of

Agreed. It’s a big step up from listicles and shallow, bad takes we used to get. 

This is all part of Blizzard’s cunning strategy to prove that Overwatch 2 isn’t just an update or an expansion but is DEFINITELY a full new game. “Could a simple update or expansion break a six year old game in so many different ways for such a length of time? I think not. Definitely a new game! Hell, even a new game

“...I’d have two nickels, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice.”

Well, at least you learned the correct lesson from this entire experience.  ;-)

Skip that shit.  Your 96 year old Grandma can see you at the next family dinner. 

This person of indeterminate gender has their priorities straight.

There is a huge difference between carrying data between sender and recipient (which is all a helpdesk software should be doing) and having the company licensing the software secretly sharing that data with the licensor.

I’m sorry, I didn’t realize that you possessed superhuman divination abilities that allowed you to know beyond the shadow of a doubt that Zendesk is only providing the platform and is not receiving the data from Gamestop, as alleged. If only all people were gifted with such powers of acuity, we would have no use for