
This take is dumb as fuck, and the classic Democrat’s approach to accountability — taking none. It’s just like how Democrats pretend Nader supporters were somehow to blame for Bush winning Florida, when some 300k Democrats straight-up voted for Bush. Bernie supporters voted for Clinton in greater numbers than Hillary

The post refers to the original composer of the ceremonies being fired due to "bullying". I described what his behavior actually was.

I was bullied as a child by people mocking me and physically intimidating me. Forcing someone to literally eat shit and masturbate in front of people to laugh at them, and then be unapologetic about it years later, is beyond bullying and is abusive sociopath behavior.

You’re right. This author seems be using “mansplaining” for anything a man says.

While I was convinced that Katie would pick Andrew in the end, my husband mansplained to me that Andrew got too real with Katie when he asked her about his career and if she would want him to give it up if they ended up together.


“I lived them, it wasn’t so bad” - probably because you’re the exact type of person Reagan and his administration liked - a white, straight, neurotypical , middle class American man. I know it’s the big scary no-no word these days, but y’know what that’s called? Privilege. It’s best you start recognizing you lived a

This just in: a crime isn’t a crime if the Other does something worse. Film at eleven.

It’s one quarter of the original, expanded to the length of the original. If that’s not for you, then great news, you don’t have to buy it, but it’s not like they’re trying to hide what it is or cheap out on the amount of content included.

This bullshit again.

I don’t have any respect for any one who tell other people how to have fun and spend their own money either... but whatever.

That’s nice. Lol

I...don’t understand your stance here, honestly. This literally is only a talking point about this game because it’s a remake, it’s like saying that you shouldn’t buy Trails of Cold Steel because it’s part of a larger story. There’s a point to be made about the game not needing to be only Midgar, for sure, but

I’d hate to work the Punnett Square out, but I think Greed is a dominate trait.

My favorite thing, is that every boss saying this, are definitely not out on the “Front lines” and have shown no chance of that ever being the case.

This is just obvious posturing and the only people falling for it are other bosses and bootlickers.

Exactly. Far too many owners don’t understand that shit. Especially small-town local ones.

It’s literally the reason they’re rich my dude.

Side not, not all rich people are greedy!