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    This should be fun. When under pressure, Trump always keeps a level head and makes smart, well thought out decisions that he has discussed with several other equally calm and thoughtful individuals. So I guess it will either be fun, or something the crazy people who live in bunkers and survive can point back to as

    My friends Javier and Drew were killed in Pulse. Just curious how exactly the NRA’s lobbying to prevent more gun control legislation aimed at the cash register benefited them?

    I know. That’s why I said “almost.” Nothing means anything. I just wish it did sometimes.

    Yeah, I made that comment just out of hope and optimism, but you’re right, I don’t know what her chances really are. Here’s what I’ve found, though. The district looks like it leans slightly blue, but went hard for Clinton in November.


    Trying to figure out

    Moments like these, when the universe somehow conspires to put some homophobic, transphobic jackwagon in the right place to be crushed by a strong, beautiful trans woman like Danica Roem, almost makes me want to believe that there is a purpose or pattern behind all of the painful, random shit that makes up existence.

    I met Drew my first year of college too! Then got to know him better when I worked at Kaplan (often in the Student Union office) with one of his close friends (Jordan, if you know him), who Drew would come by to visit all the time. That was all years before Drew met Juan, though, so I didn’t know him at all.

    And I

    So if I’m following this argument all the way to its logical conclusion, the reasonable step for us to take now—according to Mike Moon—is to make a YouTube video in which a fetus is beheaded and its heart is ripped out so that we can announce a bill aimed at stopping Mike Moon from killing chickens, right? I guess we

    Please read: I’ve lived in Orlando for 15 years now. I lost my friends Drew and Javier in Pulse. I’m not part of the LGBTQ community, but I’ve been trying so hard to be involved and active and vocal, to honor and preserve everything good and positive about them. I’m spending all day today telling everyone I can,

    Wait, did they actually build a physical scale model? I have to ask because tech has gotten so good I honestly can’t tell the difference sometimes. Also, what’s a guy gotta do to get out of the grays around here?

    I just started my first ever campaign last night, so I only have one character so far, but he’s already pretty legendary. He’s a mischievous dark elf rogue jester named Misunderstood Bastard (the name came from the Wu-Tang name generator) and only a couple of hours into his first adventure he’s already captured a

    Which gaming dystopia best sums up our current political landscape?

    Former Gamestop manager here. I worked for the company for five years and finally quit because I couldn’t look myself in the mirror every day knowing a significant portion of my job consisted of talking kids into using what little allowance money to reserve games that I knew they didn’t really want and probably

    In the inevitable Kotaku movie, who will play you and your coworkers?

    Best/worst video game movies?

    What’s your favorite mobile game?

    How many bits is the right number of bits for a console system?

    I always enjoy the Sunday comics. Which ones do you enjoy the most?

    Based on what we know so far, describe the plot of Death Stranding.

    You guys remember Suikoden III? With, like, the duck people or whatever?

    Where does Fahey keep all of his toys?