
If I haven’t received my rejection letter yet, does that mean I’m getting one?!

This kind of over-regulation is at least part of the reason Brexit happened.  

It irks me that the vehicles listed on Bring a Trailer, for the most part, don’t need a trailer. 

The playoff system is dumb 10 ways from Sunday, but not much dumber than claiming Nascar is irrelevant because you canceled cable.

That’s not what I said. What I said is that the only way to do that is if you eliminate the points system. In NASCAR, consistency matters.

Headline is inaccurate. Edinburgh is only 330 miles in mostly the wrong direction if you’re trying to travel from London to Dusseldorf.

No Manual AWD?! I’m gonna throw a tantrum...

Is there a standard for cable wiring and outside vehicle cut lines?  Not good if First Responders have to look up the model and year of vehicle to decide how to save the occupants. 

I don’t have a problem with it, but he is completely tone deaf to be bragging about how his daughter got in on her own merits.  I mean she may very well be qualified, but when you have $70 million backing your application, it is hard to claim that you “got in on your own.”

Can they please just make it look like the original concept that debuted 10 years ago?? So much better

Can we NOT use the Boxer-4? And if we must, can it NOT be an ancient one with a garbage torque curve?

You’re starting to win me over on this Postal Jeep. I had little to no hope for this thing from day one, but between this and the frame repair you’re putting in a very convincing effort and this is growing into one of my favorite of your projects. Nice work.

I suspect that there are many more cops who do this, just given my own and friend’s experience.

Why do people feel they are entitled to a 1/4 acre single family home with a high school diploma?

How about looking at this the other way. Maybe the master’s guy deserves to make more but that does not mean the hard worker deserves less. The entire system of hating on the union worker and racing to the bottom on wages is happening at the same time the “C” level wages have risen from 20x the average worker in the

Fuck you.

Yeah, this site should really stop with the “You’re Recycling X All Wrong” articles. They are less then helpful when so often the right way to do things is so localized.

I disagree. If your credit card is skimmed, the thief cloning the card will be able to max out the card and get as much as the card’s limit - thousands of dollars worth of merchandise. If your debit card is skimmed, the thief cloning the card will only be able get as much as what’s in your checking account - less than

Your simple tip is largely worthless. The state seal doesn’t usually cover the portion of the pump that opens, and definitely not anywhere near the card reader. That’s not the purpose of that seal. The door that accesses the card reader also allows access to the receipt printer, whose paper has to be replenished

Visa’s zero liability policy covers debit and credit cards equally, but I agree that it’s better to avoid the possibility of a thief having direct access to your bank account.