
All forms of civil asset forfeiture are whack.

You’ve reached and blown through several evaluation points on this project that should have put a stop to the madness already. Its not the frame you need to evaluate this weekend, its how to say goodbye to a hopeless cause.

Come on David, you can’t seriously be thinking of ‘rebuilding’ the frame in the sections where it has returned to the earth? This thing is dead, bury it, and use any ‘salvageable’ parts on one of your other awesome jeeps. 

Yeah that’s scrap. Cut your losses and buy something that actually has salvageable parts. It’s one thing if it’s got a messed up power train but the chassis is fine or vice versa, but both are gone? What exactly going to be left of this thing when it’s finished?

Drive in the left lane. I also don’t care if there is no one in front of you or behind you. Move over. 

None of those “what ifs” happened though. He hit a pothole at 19mph, if you can’t design an airbag system that can tell the difference between that and the car flipping over, try harder or let someone else design it.

In fact, Tetsuya Tada specifically tells people planning to swap the 2JZ in to buy the 4-cylinder model.

The 4cylinder doesn’t matter. It’s a mobility motor to allow you to get the car into the workspace. Where it’s promptly torn out and a 2jz boosted to the moon is installed.

I wish I could filter out the snarky armchair comments that shit all over this car.

I wish this extended to Motorcycles too. Nothing’s better than going down the Turnpike and having your eardrums blown off by a straight piped GSX-er hitting max RPM.

Racing sim rig cockpit.

I can’t help but wonder if maybe the real game here is to put pressure on this guy to move out.

Take a look at their methodology...

Seriously. And how does anyone think deploying spike strips on a road that has a corridor of stopped cars filled with people is a good idea?

When people wonder how guys/gals get to be so good at restoring cars, this. This is how you get there. You dig in and get your hands dirty.

[Harry Hogge]: What do you know about stock car racing?
[Cole Trickle]: Well... I read Alanis King’s blog, of course.
[Harry Hogge]: You’ve read about it on a blog?
[Cole Trickle]: Jalopnik. The coverage is excellent, you’d be surprised at how much you can pick up.
[Harry Hogge]: I’m sure I would.

Anything that is a combination of two things will be great at neither


Ford should cap production of the GT at 1966 - the year of Ford’s Le Mans victory.

Umm... ahem... I guess I have to explain.  You see, when 5 trucks love each other very much...