
I WISH cops pulled over assholes that blind people over for this more often. Make them sit staring at their high beams from a foot away for 10 minutes.

Ok. Maybe don’t tailgate, then? It’s funny but I always notice my windshield is really dirty when someone is riding my rear bumper.

If more people drove like truckers the world would be a more peaceful place.

Also, turn ON your low beams when it’s dark or rainy out. You might be able to see fine with your DRLs, but the back of your car is invisible to the rest of us.

Speaking of, have any of you noticed how Toyota cars seem to have their low beans adjusted higher than other cars? When I see really bright lights it’s usually a prius with the low beams pointed way high.


Am I alone in wishing they hadn’t zeroed out the bar graphs with each model change? I would have liked to see the HP vs. weight change from one model to the next.

That 944 was doing fine until the jerk in the forklift swamped it with a giant wave.

Does kneeling while a song plays really hurt anybody?

I’m bored, I had to get an aerial view to see where she came from. The news story said she was leaving the Bass Pro call center. Looks like she took a right out of the parking lot and then couldn’t slow down for the curves. Looks like the video above was taken from the Fastenal parking lot.

I’m surprised that the white car wasn’t immediately swarmed by Secret Service and police. Just one SUV lazily makes a U-turn to check it out.

Stop start doesn’t make sense on a gas engine only vehicle. Stop/start puts to much load on starters, batteries and the electrical system. These parts cost money to replace and will wear out sooner than later easily offsetting the pennies you saved on gas while at idle. If the car was a hybrid with electric power that

I started to reply, but stopped.

So here’s what I gather from this information.

does outing go too far though? when does the right to free speech end?

That is a disgusting response. This is not a racial issue, you are trying to make it one. Stop it. People like YOU are the problem.

Not everyone’s a good TypeR.

What does this have to do with race? Your first sentence was unnecessary and uncalled for. People will start taking actual problems that involve race more seriously when you stop dropping the race card every chance you get.

“There’s good news and bad news, kid. The good news is you’re getting a company car! The bad news...”

Best Geocache Ever.