Duplantis competes for Sweden internationally
Duplantis competes for Sweden internationally
Hey people, some advice: you *don’t actually have to use Twitter*. You might find you’re a lot happier just letting other people aggregate the funny or informative stuff instead, or just ignoring it entirely!
I don’t think New Yorkers realize the constant stream of “New York is THE ONLY PLACE TO BE! THE BEST PLACE TO BE! IF YOU CAN MAKE IT HERE YOU CAN MAKE IT ANYWHERE!” that everyone else in the country gets inundated with. I think that people living in NYC fall all over themselves to justify their choice as much as…
Rumor has it the cheerleaders were also part of a pyramid scheme.
Sorry I was wrong.
I kind of get his point, but I must have missed the part of revisionist history where the slaves were spoiled, coddled millionaires
No way he was stopping that shot. He didn’t even see the idiot until the second ball rolled past him
“Heart-Shaped Pizza” was the best Pearl Jam song. RIP Curt.
This is a cultural issue. Where young is from having multiple partners isn’t a big deal.
You’re behavior here is disgusting. I am a liberal, and this kind of crap used to be limited to the Breitbarts and Infowars idiots on the right. You’re a total embarrassment to people on our side. Please go away, you’re not helping.
Editor’s Note: Yes, the context of the post indicates that we thought this was a real photo and that we thought Bourdain made a sick burn. Rather than acknowledge that we made a mistake, we’re going to pretend that we knew the photo was fake all along and just try to “own” it, because so long as the target is…
Are you serious? You’re really lowering the bar here.
“lol”, that’s the serious journalist speaking, tying a person to a serious illness, right? Unlike the fake news creators polluting the news?
I got the point. Of all the things to blast this guy for, you resort to making fun of him because of his looks. It’s rednecks vs snowflakes, and moderate America gets to play referee.
A lie is a lie no matter who makes it. This is not the way to fight this...
and yet, the article still stands! Amazing.
It would have been easier if you had said “I’m going to jump to conclusions and not get all the facts before I puke out a comment”
“and he’s only a sophomore so I don’t care”
Big deal. His kind of game might be conducive to winning a Final Four or the occasional Olympics, but he’ll retire without a ring (unlike his brother LaLebron).
Really, how hard was the hit? Did Alexander ring Graham’s bell?