
This cast was GOLD. You people ripping on this show clearly fail to understand the talent that was on screen here. Also, if you don't like the show (or more likely you don't get it, don't understand the rhythm of this kind of comedy) then go elsewhere to comment. Down and dirty improv has this kind of feel to it.

I am going to be so bummed if this show doesn't get a third season. My stupid AV Club account doesn't work anymore so I couldn't help to rate the episode, but needless to say it was an easy A. This show is exhaustive, it's unbelievable. People have called it "Mad Men in the military" or something like that, which is a

This show has the unique ability to leave me completely unsure of what's coming next.
Even other great shows consistently hint at what's to happen, or you just logically work a few steps ahead in any normal scenario. This show could literally have an anvil drop on someone's head and I'd not only nod along furiously, I

I just can't disagree more with this reviewer once again. This show is terrific and this episode was epic and climactic but still glacial and slow. That birth cross cutting scene was crazy, and I think this show has always had a degree of crazy that makes it special and more than just a melodrama. Good episode.

Anyone hoping to get answers about anything, other than what happens to Noah maybe, are really missing the point of this slow, opaque, and challenging show. Clearly that angry fella likes his TV to be loud and shiny.

Crossing my fingers for more Frank and Peter Stormare scenes, that should just be a spin off show or some kind of prequel thing about Stormare and all the crazies that got to do whatever they wanted because of who they knew back in Europe, now in the US.

Haha, its one of my favorite movies, but I know, some people ain't fans.

"And that little roommate, that nobody liked, grew up to be… Roy Cohn"

Well at the least the spam-bots are watching, we'll take ratings anywhere we can get em!

Totally, and it seems like one of the few existing "Super Stations" left, owned by a huge corporate enterprise like The Tribune Company, could afford to promote this show like crazy. It could easily have premium channel ratings a la The Affair or The Leftovers. I could watch this thing go on for two more seasons and


Def got some shades of Elizabeth there, "Chick spies with the murderous touch. And looks to boot."

I've really been enjoying this season tremendously. It's criminally under-watched by viewers and underappreciated by the critical press. Last season had us looking at a pretty small swatch of the Hill, this season we're expanding outward, to cover more of the comings and goings. Frank not showing up that much in

The most devastating parts of this show for me (other than the brilliant scenes about Allison's grief) are the moments when Maura Tierney forgives Noah. The first time she did it I almost fell out of my chair. I think it was S1, too lazy to go find which ep, but its when she said "I don't want you to leave, I want to

On point! Well done there, especially the bit about his desire for Allison being yet another selfish example of him using people for his own creative needs. That's really become an interesting thread to watch, his seeming lack of interest in her, not so much just because he wants another pretty young girlfriend, but

Once again I'm here, about to write a big scree disagreeing with the reviewer's interpretation of the episode, point out how great it was, how subtle every little change was, and how each change, from a parting glance to camera position in each person's view, so perfectly illustrated how these two completely flushed

That's how I think about Airports. I would love a show or movie that took place only in an airport (but wasn't corny like that Tom Hanks movie). Airports are so otherworldly and yet so familiar.

Indeed, I just wanted to atone as well for my post being a bit incendiary. Yeah Hate-watcher's comments are really irritating. Just make a good argument and I'll happily engage guys.

Totally, again I was overplaying True Detective S2 a bit much. I just couldn't help but like it, I'm a sucker for earnest crime dramas.

Oh no! Which part was that?