
I'm sorry if I was a jerk there, I was responding to a bunch of people who seemed to have invaded this review's board and were mocking and being mean to people who enjoy the show. I actually love it when people disagree and can throw some clever quips back and forth, its just a bummer when people shut eachother down.

Haha, yeah, I may have overplayed my hand a little. But I am a True Detective Season 2 apologist. Sorry to draw too many comparisons here, it just also felt like a show where people were frustrated by the lack of clarity? Just a thought.

That's such a good point. People are so unambitious in their expectations for TV. Anytime a show decides to move at this kind of glacial pace and decide to not "move forward" (Rectify, The Affair) everyone freaks out and acts like "when are we gonna get to the thing" and "this show is so slow and uninteresting" and in

Too Funny! My Dad watched this episode having never seen anything from this series before and was blown away. He was all freaked out after and had lots of theories, despite not having the background info, and most of what he said was pretty much on point. Somehow this episode was both completely different and exactly

I forgot to mention/ask in another comment but, did anyone else pick up on some serious Limits of Control vibes here? I didn't exactly love that movie, but it did at least accomplish the task of creating a strange, sleek, otherworldly dreamscape.

Yeah there's something funny about the Corporate Convention dreamscape, I couldn't help but also get flashes of Inception's glossy Hotels and Lobbys that seemed to occupy everyone's dreams. Somehow it works though. Maybe that's a testament to how alienating our world is, eh?

Yeah, he basically brought him there, gave him vague (if not totally inaccurate) advice, almost got him killed twice, then drank the very water he warned Kevin not to drink, then killed the damn god-bird, AND (separate thought) allowed a man he knew to be an "international assassin" to go throw a child in a well. Very

Totally agree, I didn't get that vibe at all, thought that was a cheap shot by this reviewer. He's just a weird dude, one of many in this show, who has powers that allow him to understand things about their situation on earth that others cant. Kevin is likely also one of these people but is just having trouble coming


I think from his answer we can discern that he looks at anything that seems deep and calls it shallow. It's a hallmark of cynical nihilists who populate the internet and populate my unfortunate generation of millennial idiots (not assuming anyone's age just a tendency among my age group, twentysomethings). It's like

Totally possible. I was thinking that the whole time. I'm home with my folks for the holiday(s) so my Dad (who's never watched it before) watched this episode (of all episodes!) with me and was mesmerized and had a number of thoughts a theories that I probably wouldn't have had given I had so much baggage from the

whoa! lets not throw the "you fans" phrase around, thems fightin phrases.

He'll live out his days sipping "the water" and forgetting why he's a Concierge. It's really all any of us can hope for in the end.

I watched all of lost on Netflix years after its hyped-up run, when I was very skeptical, and for some reason preferred Heroes at the time. It had TERRIBLE dialogue, nothing but either obvious expository character development or pseudo-mystical nonsense. The show was entertaining as hell, and there were some solid

SO TRUE. Screw these haters, they obviously don't like thinking too hard, and/or are too dead inside to appreciate sincerity. Remember that guys? It's that thing where you actually care about stuff and things mean something. TDs2 had a buttload of sincere, earnest, but ultimately uneven things going on. It was a

Totally, that's a good point. I was talking like I knew what shows actually cost. I mean if you think about it, producing hours upon hours of content with these level of production values (essentially just movie productions) has to be as much or more than most blockbusters, and I have to wonder what the actual income

"…although, is that even something to say anymore? Have the budgets balanced out between TV and the internet?"

I wanted to just come back and express how I'm almost certain this is the best show on TV these days. I wasn't commenting much back when this aired, but its a testament to the show that I went back and rewatched this whole season and just had to come here and add this somewhat pointless comment. Best show on TV. Yep.

Fair enough, I'm a die hard Parks fan, please don't misunderstand me. It's just that The League has the unique quality of being partially improvised as part of the format of the show, like Curb. It gives the show a spontaneity that elevates it beyond most scripted TV, like a handicap or something. I give it way more

Cool down there, the League at its best achieved a similar height of excellence as Parks and Rec. I enjoyed every moment of Parks and Rec right till the last word but it slumped just like the League is slumping. It's natural in shows that have kind of a one note premise and characters that become charicatures filling