
British panel shows to Americans. I'm American and it took me so long to get friends to warm up to QI and 8 out of 10 cats etc

Christmas Vacation

The Matrix 2+3 tie with The Day After Tomorrow.

Clearly somebody (this author) has never read one of the most brilliant pieces of film criticism ever written, re: I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry. https://www.villagevoice.co…

… he met a group (a Bigot properly) of bloody mucus-covered Hannitys,

Yeah I get it, and organized religion is certainly no friend of humanity, but his rhetoric is so fiery and overlaps so much with the Trump-er lines on muslims that I just think he needs to work on the nuance in his method of delivery. I saw him repeatedly ask "will this country change if it becomes majority Muslim?!?"

Maher is also unacceptably Islamaphobic. His rhetoric has really gotten out of control and is bordering on dangerous, normalizing that kind of talk right now is not a great idea, especially when someone can justify it by saying "well, he's a lefty so it must be okay"…

Picking quotes from outside the Golden Years, which were rife with unbelievably good quotes that were left off this list???

I already rewatched this whole show, and I might do it again. I don't really understand, based on this review, why this episode (and the previous) got B+ ratings. I thought they were absolutely astonishing. I would give every ep an A just for sheer tenacity. I posted something to the effect of "I may eat my words once

I have to disagree with the general thrust of the criticism of this show shown by the AV Club during parts of its run, and particularly this season. Maybe I'm reading more than is there. Regardless, this show to me has become a member of the burgeoning slow-tv movement, shows that are completely unconcerned with

Can you consider the possibility that a sense of aimlessness and inconclusiveness is exactly what this show has perfected?

The power of this show wasn't in its narrative arc, revealing secrets and tantalizing us with details, although this is definitely what it was going for. The strength and power of this show came from everything we didn't see but felt in the time leading up to the big finale. The "depth" of the mythology (I mean that

Absolutely, and Fargo is a great example of a TV show that knows how to withhold information and sometimes just leave us without an answer (obvious ex. the Flying Saucers lol). I can't wait for their next move.

"That’s the drawback of the way this kind of mystery show is designed; because so much of what’s going on is hidden from us in the interest of these stunning other-shoe-drop moments, motives and connections are shallow at best. There’s history here, critical history, but because the narrative needs to withhold large

Well I never thought I could shoot down a German plane, but last year I proved myself wrong!

Yeah hard disagree here, this is at worst a B+ series. I would give it a solid A- myself. Great acting, clear establishing of a mood and atmosphere that is distinctive and memorable. Actually the closest analogue to the vibe I get from this show might be Vertigo; similar set up and sense of mystery, wondering whether

I must say, this show is actually fantastic if you stick with it. It's a matter of not over-intellectualizing it. Which may sound like an excuse for something stupid, but also works for Malick movies, Rectify, and Hannibal, all of which require a level of commitment beyond the pilot or first few minutes. This show is

Fantastic piece. It's extremely difficult to write about and coherently explain the humor of someone whose comedy and whole persona so completely resists traditional modes of writing and analysis. A think piece on Louie doesn't take much, as it pretty much wears its perspective on its sleeve (no offense to Louie, he's

This show has been very inconsistent it's whole run, but the strength of the characters has always kept me feeling it's actually one of the better things on TV right now (it was in my top 10 last year, #9 with Justified as #10). But there are always cracks and my feeling is that will continue. I guess I'd rather have

haha, thanks man, I hope I wasn't a jerk, loving the reviews, sometimes I forget you guys actually read the comments! cheers!