
You’d have to eliminate the other distractions: buzzers and bells, for example

Somebody should come up with a pinball controller for if you play by sense of smell.

Reddit’s r/prequelmemes is always around the corner.

That’s exactly what the missionaries who come to my door always ask me!

Dang it man take your star

The Jedi did have Dark Jedi and Force Witches to contend with during that time...

I believe it’s a play on the phrase “What is dead may never die which was a common saying by one of the factions in Game of Thrones.

I am available. I’ve got a beard.

Dad-bod Prince may not be the prince that Persia deserves, but he’s the prince that Persia needs.

The Prince seems to have put on some weight since 2010. But then again who hasn’t?

Raw chicken breast work perfectly fine and I have tons laying around.

Raw chicken breast work perfectly fine and I have tons laying around.

I am looking forward to watching this and getting really invested before SyFy cancels it to the angst of millions scores of fan viewers.

Out of curiosity does anyone know who is producing the show, if it is an in-house Syfy (or Universal I guess) production? Thanks.

This looks like guilty pleasure fun.

I would say “deliberate” instead of “scripted”. Obviously not a genuine collapse, but I might act a bit of a fool too to get that kind of appraisal.

This guy does not give a single glorious fuck.

You’re correct, my bad. I’ll go with watery tart, then.

Because you don’t vote for kings.

So all that’s left is for some watery bint to lob a scimitar at him, and the prophecy will be complete.

I’ll be that geek who points out that The Sword in the Stone is not Excalibur. Arthur breaks the sword he pulled out of the stone in a battle, and later the “Lady of the Lake” gives him Excalibur.