
It was really hard for the cops to complete the paperwork on Dotel as he has changed drug cartels over a dozen times since retiring from the MLB.

Cops: Who’s responsible for this?

There aren’t any details yet on exactly what roles Dotel and Castillo are alleged to have played in this network

tired of rogue-like ... genre fatigue

Maaaan, their sours are so damn good.

But is he elite?

I look forward to seeing him picked by the Giants in the first round of the 2020 draft.

Sure, Amell might be embarrassed right now but this serves as a first rate audition for my upcoming epic C’mon, Man, I’m Wide Open: The Christian Hackenberg Story.

Anti-PC is given an assumption of reasonableness that I don’t understand. If people are forced to actually articulate their anti-PC positions, they’re usually dumb.

“What part of political correctness really goes beyond treating people the way you would like to be treated? Do you just want to be able to use racial slurs with impunity or something?”


I have a former roommate that seems to have fallen into conservatism in the last couple years. I don’t think he’s a true believer but he does seem like he spends too much time on reddit. He makes occasional snarky comments about SJWs and Political Correctness. The last time I asked him he said something along

When I hear people are who are “anti-PC”, basically all they’re saying is that “I should be able to say the most vile and grosses things possible, and I should not be called out on it!” News flash people, you absolutely have a right to say nasty things, just like others are allowed to call you a PoS for saying it!

Extra! Extra! Intentionally Offensive Assholes Deplatformed By Platform Owners! “We’ve Been Wronged!” Claim Privileged White Men! More At Eleven!

No one is owed a spot on anyone else’s platform. If the PA guys don’t like their politics (and good for them if they don’t, honestly) then they don’t have to put them on stage.

Your Highness Qiaobiluo ended up getting an outpouring of support after the incident, racking up well over half a million followers and becoming the most-searched streamer on DouYu.

Playing with an obvious and vulnerable injury? He’s lucky Marchand is on his team, not the Blues.

Without looking, how do you know “Brock Holt” is white? OK, looks at name again.  “Never mind”

Disbar Bill Barr.  Fun to say, and even more fun to see become reality.

Barr: WIL-MAAA!!!

Harris: You have answers to these questions?