
I’m a big fan of local network game streaming (like Steamlink/Moonlight/NvidiaShield/Oculus Link). Sony’s technology has always been the worst of the bunch. Extremely bad latency, unreliable transfer even in strong wifi environments, terrible image quality compared to the other solutions, and annoyingly picky rules

No lie I’m going through Jedi Outcast again in VR. There’s some clunkiness in this port for sure, but the feeling of holding a Lightsaber and deflection blaster bolts just can’t be beat.

I’m really getting Goku vibes from this character and voice lines. She’s a fit super hero who hits the gym, and the calorie burn makes her food crazy. I’ve experienced it myself. Even though I’m not super athletic, my appetite is monstrous if I’m regular at the gym.

Everything you said about body shapes for women in O2

Agree to disagree my friend. I’m on PSVR2 and the new controls are a regression of ease of use, it’s got nothing to do with the moves. The virtual throttle is annoying because the “center” position resets each time you grip it. Meaning I can find myself in situations where I’m already at max throttle, so I reach out

Alot of that comes down to the desire for complete-retooling of games that get VR ports. For example, No Man’s Sky on PS4 could be used with the dualshock controller, and it played exactly like the conventional 2D version of the game. It was actually my preferred way to play NMS in VR.

“Support for PCVR based devices will hopefully come in the future.” https://sidequestvr.com/app/15472

I heard a PCVR version is coming. I think I’ll wait for that one because I had some framerate problems on the Quest version. It’s definitely on my playlist, looks fantastic and I can’t wait.

I just want Zelda to be part of the game. Nintendo does such a good job of making each Zelda an interesting character, and that character is forbidden from participating in the story. Wind Waker’s story was so interesting until Tetra became Zelda and she suddenly stopped participating in the story. It was redeemed in

Ok so here’s my galaxy brain take from the year 2074 that I don’t think anyone is thinking of.

Second to not needing a lot of space. I played half of Alyx seated in a chair, using the same amount of space I use for any of my gaming.

This sounds like the directors and casting’s fault, if any blame is to be laid anywhere. They knew what they were getting. Shrug.

Agreed about their take on Skyward sword. I already made my reply but yeah there’s so many things troubling that game and the controls were not among them.

The skyward sword neg focusing on motion controls is pretty ridiculous frankly. This is by far the most troubled mainline Zelda game, its definitely my least favorite that I’ve played, and all of the problems I have with the game have nothing to do with the motion controls.

I can generally return to any era of gaming and see the beauty of a game if it has good art. For example last year I was lucky enough to play Phantasy Star for the first time on the master system on a CRT TV, and I thought the game was gorgeous. Same deal with some N64 and 360 games I’ve been discovering.

Graphics these days are just so incredible it’s really not something I think about anymore. My first memories of gaming is river raid on the 2600. I lived through so many graphic milestones, that now I don’t even have a wishlist for the future. I guess maybe RT hardware being ubiquitous so game artists have an easier

I got a demo of little big adventure, and it was the only “3D” game my computer could play. I spent hours in it just marveling at 3D graphics. It felt like games could do anything.

Looking at the character select screen makes me imagine the design discussion for these DLC:
“We’ll add birdo as a character!”
“We can’t just add one new character... where is she going to go in the character select screen? Think of the symmetry!”
“It can’t be helped, we have to add 6.”

Controversial opinion... the story kinda doesn’t matter in Half Life. Every entry ends on a cliffhanger, and it always opens up more questions than it answers. It’s mostly a backdrop for Valve’s masterclass game design. I love Alyx to death, but the story just makes timelines confusing, and it doubles down the series’

Nice alternative!

The xbox version this article talks about has modern controls out of the box, though it could use a lot of polish. As it stands my chief complaints the analog stick curve is a bit touchy and unwieldly compared to the feel of the N64 original. Across emulators, switch, and xbox, the original N64 hardware still feels