
To add my experience to this, I recently played a bit of Conduit 2 for the Wii. I was so shocked by the protagonist. He sounded like a borderline sociopath. There was an especially weird moment where he did a sexist cat call to the big boobed companion character shortly after the narrative told us his wife was dead.

This idea comes back each time a generation has a smol console. TBH I think its cute. I did this exactly one time when the power went out and I took my Wii U to a friend’s. I was able to camp out by a power outlet and play like a proto switch.

Because it’s so much fun, JAN

It’ll only take him three millennia to pay it off.

I kinda wish the modern anime ascetic did a better job of depicting characters that don’t look like their 10-14 years old. I like anime but I have a hard time relating to the protagonists many times because I haven’t been 10 years old in a *really* long time.

I’m glad this game is finding success. I loved the trailer and the idea, even though I know I wouldn’t be able to get to it.

During this generation I was big on PC gaming, and with most console games getting a PC version the Wii U + PC was a stellar combo.


For the longest time I thought Pokemon was a Nintendo IP like Mario or Donkey Kong. But apparently they’re owned by an independent company?

Does the PC version of TL3 have built in controller support that is akin to what the console experience is?

Absolutely this. If you want to be serious about video game hardware you have to be persistent and consistent. You have to treat your first generation as an investment, as it will certainly be a financial failure. And if your lucky, the 2nd or 3rd generation will start to break through. Gamers wont invest in a

That red looks hot.

affine texture warping was a nice touch.

I’m actually quite annoyed about their messaging. I was ready to pre-order the PS5, but then when Jim Ryan said “VR wont be a thing for a few years” giving everyone the impression they were getting out of the VR game. So I stopped my plans to pre-order.

Not weird at all. Controller is a great way to play FFXIV, regardless of platform. It’s how I always played. I definitely prefer it to KB+Mouse, even after trying KB+M for a bit.

This is such wonderful news. I hope they can keep these stores open as long as possible. I still have my video game consoles from the 90s, and in the 2030s or 2040s, there will be someone who grew up with the PS3 wanting to revisit their past, and they should be able to.

>No-VR Mod Brings Half Life: Alyx To Players Who Can’t Afford Headsets

At Stardock we had an achievement for colonizing your first world in GalCiv3, which is something akin to your first “jump” in Mario. It’s impossible to play the game in any capacity without doing it. I believe only something like 25% of our customers unlocked this achievement. I’m 100% with you, what you described is

My worse habit is trying to make the “perfect clear” on my first time through a game. Missable items? Bonus side content? Good-ending on hard mode? I’ll tell myself I *HAVE* to have the most ideal canonical perfect run of a game on my very first time through the game, which of course ruins the game.

I try to bring this up whenever I can in VR circles online. It’s strangely an unpopular attitude and I can’t seem to convince anyone. People think it will take resources away from native VR game development, or that “shitty ports will poison the well”.