
Ah “Millionaire”. How quaint. It takes me back to the 90s.

Sixteen-year-old Alphinaud is a fan favorite

Such devastation... This was NOT my intention!

When Sega lets their own IPs languish like this, it’s no surprise indie devs are reaping the untapped demand. The question is, is it better off this way?

They vaulted a ton of content because the cost of maintaining it is too high. Now what am I supposed to make of this article? The narrative presentation of Destiny is an absolute mess. It’s business model makes it feel like a mobile game strapped on top of the fine wine of a Bungie FPS.

Having recently gone through all of the original ‘96 game, it totally earns the mania it inspired. Solid game! I can’t wait to play through the sequels.

These controllers are a great idea that are held back by the terrible design of the pad itself. All of the buttons are insanely stiff, which is one of the main reasons I stopped using it years ago.

I think your completely right. But as someone who actually still plays the N64 original on a era appropriate tube TV, the two versions actually look quite different artistically. It’s not as bad or jarring as the Halo Anniversary graphics, which are AWFUL compared to the original game, but there are some spots in the

Someone else also mentioned this in their comment, but I find it incredibly fascinating that almost everything we see in this video is with a chase camera, as opposed to Mario 3D World’s fixed camera. This footage looks very “Odyssey”. I wonder what shift in attitude occurred to make Nintendo retcon the design of 3D

I bet they’d make more money in the infinite tail that digital games enjoy.

This is the advantage of being a curmudgeonly stick in the mud. I actually never moved past the horse armor anger, and have stayed there ever since. I think the only proper DLC I’ve ever paid for was Mass Effect 2 and 3, after enjoying 1 so much. And that’s about it. So I guess no I never got used to DLC. I rarely see

It’s VR. That’s the new frontier. And quite possibly the last interactive leap until we’ve got direct brain interfaces. Strangely the mainstream is still struggling to latch onto VR. People will drop a thousand on a new 4K TV and call it transformative. Where as the actual transformative change, VR, is passed over and

I tried to play destiny 2 with some buddies when it went free, and we actually reached a point where we had no idea how to progress further, and it was the main reason we didn’t give the game more of a chance. Glad to hear its being ironed out.

Sony messed up back in 1994 when they made the western releases have X be confirmed an O be cancel. When I was a kid and playing PS1 at no point did I ever think “obviously X for confirm because X marks the spot”. I would have easily accepted O for confirm, as we all did when we played FF7.

I was really in the mood for some grittty ass chocobos, so this trailer landed well for me.

Pff are you kidding me? Everyone knew about the super emeral—-


That Warrior Combo feels so good. I wanted to play the game just so I could do the rotation against monsters.

Can’t be that hard. It’s not like it’s 3D ches— w... wait.

In an ideal world, I want every game I play to be good enough where I want to play it on hard mode. Hard mode is where my most memorable and richest game experiences come from.