
Oh ask any Broncos fan and they’ll readily disagree about this season being compelling. You cant look away from a trainwreck.

Punts can get blocked! Safer to kneel four times, turn it over on downs, and ask the defense to score off a turnover.

I’m not sure what he was afraid of with running the ball.

Because while the Grizzlies will also probably disappoint you, they will be much more fun to watch.

I love how the coach gets red-assed when people question his questionable decision-making. Especially when that coach has spent all offseason and training camp obsessing over missing a kick that was very nearly the same distance as this one. It’s one thing not to trust your erratic QB who has shown little aptitude for

Justin Tucker is the most accurate kicker in NFL history at right around 90%. I couldn’t pull up the league wide fumble rate for running backs, but it is certainly lower than 10%. Pineiro isn’t the best kicker in the NFL, and a running back running specifically not to fumble is going to have an even lower fumble rate.

I have zero thought of running the ball and taking the chance of fumbling the football. They know you’re running the football, so you lose three, four yards, so that wasn’t even in our process as coaches to think about that.

I hope Zion makes a full recovery and spends the next 15 years ripping off the basketball ring on dunks, but Morant’s athleticism and vision always meant that he was a safe bet. If he can get his jumper to the point where he can hit 38% on 3s and have a midranger to use late in games, he’ll be a multi-time All-Star.

Ever since that double doink playoff game Nagy has lost his aggressiveness. It was a sudden phase of teams saying “fuck it” on 4th down last year and I’d say that was my most satisfied sight for me as a Bears fan last year. I strongly wished all of those red zone encounters Bears had on Sunday were going for it on 4th

I’m almost glad he missed the kick. If he makes it then everyone tends to quickly forget how bad the offense was all day because they won. Just like after the Denver game. They don’t deserve that.

Remember when Tribusky was in the Pro Bowl last January? Did that really happen? Now his coach doesn’t even trust him to get 5 yards.

Now playing

You do it to yourself, you do, and that’s what really hurts

Are you available to call plays in Philadelphia this Sunday? Because you are smarter than the Bears current head coach.

I didn’t crunch the numbers, but wasn’t the chance of the kicker missing a 41-yard field goal comparable to the chance of fumbling the football in one last offensive play?

I was thinking this the whole time he was talking. Take a couple quick shots, maybe sideline routes? You’re not going for the TD, you’re going for a few positive yards to set up the chip shot. It is true that Trubisky sucks, but an incomplete doesn’t get you into clock trouble.

No football team has ever gained yardage on a running play when the other team knew they were running. Nagy was billed as some sort of fucking offensive genius and he can’t call a play in that situation to get them a few more yards?

Have you met the quarterback?

All I know is my gut says maybe

“’We’re going to do something,’ Blank said.”