
I really wanted WCS to work because he’s a big who can run well. But lord, he never improved, would disappear for 15 minute intervals, and approached scoring in the paint with all the deftness of a rhinoceros in heat.

What kills me is the GSW hardcore eagerly awaiting WCS like he’s the answer.

This is another reason to be amazed LeBron went to 8 straight Finals.

3-9 is more likely.

In those first two quarters, Kerr’s boys allowed the Thunder to shoot 56.5 percent, while they only converted at a rate of 27.5 percent.

Deadspin: Let’s Remember Some Guys!

When you lose to the Titans, it is never the refs fault. 

Yeah! The Suns, Blazers, and Jazz are really good! That’s why we lost to them by 29, 10, and 32, respectively!

I disagree. When replay was first pitched, people were like “it will reduce controversy and make bad calls go away.

He seems to be basically arguing that because the system for picking playoff teams is dumb, if OU goes 12-1 and finishes 5th it’s replay’s fault. I don’t agree with that part of the post.

The replay pretty clearly shows the K-State player blocking the OU player into the ball, so by rule that should be Sooners ball. But as with most things to do with replay, they look for one technical violation and ignore others. 

The main gripe here is that piece of modern technology was used to essentially determine the outcome of a game within a system that is nowhere near as modern... had the camera not caught this brief ricochet and a red-hot Oklahoma offense been allowed to travel the 38 yards necessary to score a touchdown, the game most

It was probably NOLA until this year, thanks to the Saints’ Mickey Loomis staffing the medical and training staff with football people. Since football is definitely the same sport as basketball and requires similar types physical movement and training, the Pelicans regularly featured a ton of people injured (including

Pelicans come to mind.

So let me get this straight. The Jets would have rather played an injured player who can’t give 100% than a healthy player at 100%.

All team doctors should be impartial 3rd parties chosen annually by that team’s owner and an NFLPA representative who is only responsible to the player and can remain in HIPAA compliance.

How are the Jets even capable of this depth of stupidity anymore? My girlfriend told me this morning that we should start a PR company that goes around to idiot teams (Astros?) and plays dumb for the media for a weekend while everyone else gets their shit together. It’s starting to look like a reasonable selling

Muggsy Bogues was in Space Jam, Allen Iverson was not, it’s not rocket surgery...

[buzzers in]