
Honestly, “He strives to lose in less than 3 hours” would be among the better reasons this team has hired a coach.

Anyone with any doubt that this clown is a Russian asset should be convinced since he took a pass on throwing out the first pitch of the World Series. Jesus, might as well march in the Moscow May Day parade.

50 bucks says he can’t throw a baseball 60 feet, on the other hand.

There is no way Donald Trump attends Game 5.

Sure, but I wouldn’t be upset at all if this happens:

President Trump announced he intends to attend Game 5 in Washington.

MLB instructed the home team to wear alternate jerseys so the president is the only obvious white national in the stadium.

Brady is going to retire, the Patriots are going to sign Josh Rosen, he’ll take over as the starter, and lead them to victory in the first Super Bowl that literally nobody watches.

Honestly, I felt the dlc was pretty disappointing. A handful of missions for 40 bucks when I got the huge whopper of content in the Monster Hunter Iceborne expansion for 50 dollars feels like very poor value. I barely even remember the story missions. I did like the different creepy mood they set however, and wish

The problem is that a large portion of the playerbase does just basically care about the endgame, and they also tried to make it so that new players could instantly jump in with vets (the idea being that you could link up with your newbie friends instantly and have fun playing together, instead of being 50 hours ahead

I just know that I tried from my PC account to see the game with a barely new and new character and the game was horrible regarding new chars.

There’s all type of shit in those crazy Vex places. Hell, one day you’re gonna run into Saint 14 in the Infinite Forest and you’re gonna give him a shotgun, then he’s gonna say “Nice where’d you get that” and you’ll be like “Off your dead body bro after grinding public events and strikes for 100 hours during year 1 of

Also known as The JJ Abrams/Damon Lindelof Approach To Storytelling.

That last part is so they don’t have to create an entirely new race with new animations, etc, but can recycle enemies with a couple new features & pretend like they're similar because they were "first".

They did a headfake the way forsaken did, except, in a worse way

The Dreaming City Blind Well/Oracle weekly milestones also had a small story play out over the course of weeks. Each time you turned your progress into the giant oracle machine you had a small conversation with/at the Awoken Queen, until finally we got a cutscene showing Uldren Sov being resurrected as a guardian.

That shadowkeepw as made for one reason and one reason only. The artist that made it was a big fan of all of the art made for Minas Morgul, but they made it red hopping no one would notice they just copied Lord of the Rings.

Imean that’s what has been going on in Destiny since taken king. Potential. But they keep making purposefully open-ended mystery box plotlines so they can go back to them if they need something.


Thanks for doing this for me.

Maybe building a portal that is 2 way is not a good idea when it is a gateway to the enemy?