
That’s cool and makes sense, but is also pretty clearly a level above the “wisdom” that A-Rod thought he was imparting.

Basically, if I’m doing okay in the main game I should do okay on the boss fight - it’s okay to do something different, but not a massive difficulty spike, and especially not pad it with cheapness

Yeah, I hate boss fights. Okay, if I know in going the game is about the boss fights, like Dark Souls or Shadow of the Colossus then I’m calibrated and okay with it.

You’re not keeping it simple enough!

This is true of every incremental amount of lead. Each additional run is less valuable than the last, because after a certain point you’re just changing your odds of winning from 99% to 99.1%. Nothing whatsoever to do with odds and evens.

You don’t need divine confetti, it helps, but O’Rin is mainly deflecting and dodging the unblockable moves for about 5 minutes. Attacking every so often to keep the posture from recovering.

You were in that weightlifter thread arguing how many days are in a week, weren’t you?

1-run lead < 2-run lead
3-run lead < 4-run lead
5-run lead < 6-run lead

My feeling is that the bosses should feel like an organic extension of the level, so that if you’ve gotten that far, you know exactly what kinds of tactics and abilities to use against them.”

I also think boss fights have become an obligatory thing where devs feel like they have to include them even if they don’t have any good ideas for boss fights that match the particular gameplay style of the rest of the game.

“Jesus Christ, I thought Ben Affleck was insufferable but. ....this ....actually no, this is still better" Jennifer Lopez 

In the case of BOTW I usually went into boss fights with lots of hearts, plus plenty of health boosters. I managed to take all of them out on the first try.

Ok, so I gave a real go at trying to put his comment in the best possible light. I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he meant to say that for any given value of x where x is an odd number lead, x + 1 is better. I concluded that from him saying that a single run wouldn’t tie the game (lead of 2 vs. 1) and

Let’s not relive the 2-inning discussion they had about Marcus Stroman’s height. And his catchphrase - HGHMDMA

Didn’t he also get into a surprisingly long, totally uninteresting debate last night with Mendoza over his courageous contention that tall pitchers are better than not-tall pitchers, because Randy Johnson? Although Maddux and Martinez (among others) might want to have a word with A-Rod about that.

I came so close to quitting the last boss of the Witcher 3 Blood and Wine DLC last night. He has this really cheap and shitty instakill attack that is hard to avoid due to Witcher 3's controls and camera. Such a shame. I eventually just beat him though..barely. I’m stubborn so it’s hard for me to quit at a boss but

I quit games before or at final bosses all the time. I play games primarily for the exploration and when I can feel the curve pass it’s most open point and begin narrowing towards the final encounter, I begin to lose interest. Few games have a narrative so interesting that it extends to the game’s climax. All the good

I love when a good grand slam overcomes a 7 run deficit.

You have to earn lines like that ... usually with a slurred, half-hoarse voice, followed by a clearing of the jowls.

Long live the ghost of Harry Carey. Y-E-R-A-C.

That clip is better at frying your brain than heroin.