
It’s odd that they looked at Destiny, and took away that what their game really needs is a bunch of inexplicable bugs that never should have got past initial testing in design and certainly not past development, and that they should also design it such that it’s difficult to patch anything in a timely manner. I

I used to like Barstool... well, no. I liked PFT, all the way back to KSK. And I think a (very) few of the other guys and girls there have some legitimate internet comedy talent. So I accepted Barstool’s shtick and could laugh at some of it.

The issue remains the same as it has always been; they can give us new stuff to use, fine, but that does not help the same old content feel any fresher when what we already have is more than enough to do the job.

I think this is a really thoughtful look at what’s ‘wrong’ with Overwatch, or why it no longer clicks for you. I think I ultimately feel the same way.

This is an extremely stupid take. We as consumers aren’t doing a damn thing to hurt the future of Bethesda games. All the hurting is from Bethesda themselves.

Absolutely, I too enjoy the core gameplay, and while I have a great deal of more focused complaints about the game, the biggest overarching complaint is that in no way does any part of the gameplay design require being a live service, or always online. Just the few social spaces like the tower, and for what? Hell, the

“players travel through space trying to buy enough shaders to please Bobby Kotick”

Hey be fair to the rest of us plebs - the bears and Jack are great for low level cheese, double hand smash combo over and over (triangle + square, if I remember right). But yeah, low-damage they are not. 

This is true. I don’t use mine for months on end. It’s legitimately a surprise if I find that it doesn’t immediately turn back on with at least half the battery remaining. 

I think more indie devs need to be honest with themselves and their games, and do stuff like this. Like, if you’re really gonna try to sell *that*, it better not be for much - and the thing is, there absolutely is a market for ‘this looks dumb as hell and it only costs $10 (or less) for a laugh, why not’.

They are, but, I think that’s why MLB does it for the Wild Card. If the division lead is even vaguely within reach you should strive for it to avoid the Wild Card, and that appears to be working.

When I clicked on this, seeing that the Ikelos SG was the cover pic, I knew exactly what the other four would be.

It wasn’t knowable, duh. Nothing is knowable. It’s a matter of predicting your market - and as the article expressly outlines, Nike’s market is the younger crowd that is vastly more likely to be on Kaep’s side and to be moved by an ad campaign focused on him. That, *and* their deal with the NFL is already not their

I’ve found High-Impact Reserves quite strong on high ROF SMGs, since they rarely actually kill anything in the first half of the clip. But otherwise, yes, this is great advice. You don’t need to keep everything, and shouldn’t, given you want those shards, gunsmith mats, and hopefully masterwork cores from all the

To deal with this system, you just have to realise that you’re being silly. Should you try any of those Ten Paces? Oh you silly, silly Kirk, no, you shouldn’t. You know that!

The difference in Gwent is that you only get one main draw per game. So, what you use to win any given round is (usually) unavailable in the next two. It’s less a TCG, and closer to many classic competitive card games in this respect; you may not get a great draw, but your ability to win is more defined by your

Because ‘merit’ is either defined so tightly as to be a useless way to evaluate someone for a job, or defined so loosely it’s meaningless - and often abused, as this very article lays out.

I feel like making some kind of pithy remark about them hiring ‘gamers’ and how that implies the rest, nothing more to be said.

I don’t think they’re missing the whole point. I do agree (and certainly wasn’t particularly happy about while doing it with my Hunter) that the balance doesn’t seem quite right. 30 super kills takes a lot longer than 10 normal kills for non-Titans.

Yeah it’s hilarious how easy it is to get the super kills with a Titan. I got it done in four or five matches, using Striker and the helmet that gives you an overshield when you activate lightning-fists.