
You can play many games without all this ‘dumb social shit’, they’re called single player games.

It’s not the anonymity; as Jeremiah Fink points out, Facebook has comprehensively proved that to be a false premise.

This was my fear after the second demo. I first started as Haanit, because hey cool sexy hunter girl. And an awesome cat friend? Nice!

Yeah, that camera angle is perfect. I barely understand football but I do understand sport in general. As soon as the pass goes out in to nigh-infinite space you can see that it was all created by Lukaku, and leaving the cross to the next guy is just beautiful.

Be fair, it’s not a TF2 clone. It’s a TF2 - MOBA mashup with a few other character archetypes ripped from other games, and balanced to suit nobody.

I mean, it’s not like it’s static. If someone from either team is ‘on’ it, if I remember correctly it will have a little ‘1' on the meter and arrows for what direction it’s going in. How in the hell a bunch of ‘pros’ are not giving the ‘which team is actually winning the game rather than just racking up kills’ meter a

My Grandfather died in 2012 after going through almost exactly the same decline as Greg Ploetz. He was a doctor and knew very well what was happening to him. Like Greg, he expressed the desire to end his life.

The fact that it’s testimony not just from a separate sport, but from a medical ‘professional’ from the *freakin Mets*, is hilarious.

Yeah this has been my complaint since after the first month of the game, maybe. And this on PC, with no prior Destiny experience.

It’s clearly both, if you have decent hearing, decent ability to actually decipher what you’re hearing, and decent headphones/earphones/speakers.

That’s not a very well formed opinion. Anyone can fast-forward a movie. It’s designed, built-in functionality in just about any tech that can play a movie. You don’t have to figure out how to do it, and executing it is trivial.

I feel similar to you. The boss is an interesting concept with a poor execution (man, how much of this game does that apply to...).

It is obviously satire. It’s rather good.

So, basically, they learnt from the G5 that excessive physical gimmicks don’t create enough hype to make up for the awkward production and marketing, but also learnt from the G6 that if you just make a mostly very good phone without a bunch of gimmicks to market, you don’t get any further. So now we have just another

The art is the problem.

I think the blade is better than all the armor, except the pants. Two points of Weakness Exploit and two level 1 slots is really tough to beat, especially on pants (maybe Capcom can make some general purpose gloves for the next event, instead of them usually just being ‘what has a level 3 slot and a skill thats not

Just gonna jump in here and say, in New Zealand, we not only have ‘good’ Cadbury, but we also have Whittakers; a brand better than Cadbury at it’s best. Hah.

I have thought for a long time that the maps in Destiny 2 Crucible are the issue, more than anything else.

I had sort of the opposite issue, where I just couldn’t ‘bulk’ paint. I could do a really good job- if not quite professional - on a single model, but that meant I only ever got a couple done out of an army.

Tempered Jho is just, hey, lets jack up the numbers on this otherwise pretty straightforward monster design. Game design at it’s... well, maybe not worst, but hardly at it’s best.