AJ Archer-Kane

Some men made a movie for us. PLEASE ENJOY IT!!!

This comment was like staring into a mirror.

Counterpoint: You are a joyless hag who cannot find pleasure in anything due to your crippling, radical feminist views.

Counterpoint: This movie is originally written by Annie Mumolo (then rewritten by David O. Russell) so maybe it will be good.

I do not think that the only bad-ass-esque(?) South Asian woman in entertainment right now is someone who grew up in Britain, not the US. American desis are a whole different breed from Canadian and British desis. This is a generalization, but: both Canada and Britain have large ethnic enclaves of South Asians, which

Bobby, your photoshops always disturb me and take me to dark places. Keep up the good work.

Guys, I found the real replacement:

Hey Diane, do you even like child molesters?

Its entire culture is so boring to me. Getting high itself is just cotton mouth and paranoia. I understand that its SUPER AWESOME MAN to a lot of people, but I would rather just get drunk.

Controversial opinion: weed isn’t nearly as interesting as people think it is.

I was going to score some marijuana from my FIL to take to the Rush concert on Friday, but now I’m not sure - will that make me look uncool?

more for me, losers!

There’s always buttchugging.

Legalization and making it less taboo combined with no new Harold & Kumar movies can really fuck up a preadolescent’s rebellion curve.

It’s probably for the same reason that women are the only ones who have to take birth control. Why bother men with getting shots for a women’s disease? They don’t think or worry about the fact that men can give women HPV as well. It’s a shitty attitude, but it’s the world we live in.

approval for boys didn’t come until 2009, and it wasn’t added to the list of vaccines for boys until 20011.”

We all make that face when we’re about to give teenagers the autism.

I always wondered why it was first only for girls. I get that girls are at risk for cervical cancer so they need protection from the virus. But most of the girls are getting it from boys, so why wouldn’t you also prevent the boys from getting it? I mean, as much as we don’t want our daughters to get cervical cancer,