AJ Archer-Kane

I think Young Baller and Cliff will be understood as comic relief, adorable Andre will keep smiling, and cutie Mike will “get chose” quite a bit.

I could’ve told you before this survey took place that the majority of answers would be “BECAUSE THE WOMEN.”

Generally, the ratio of Republican presidential candidates to news reporters sits at about 3:2 now.

I just love the fucking brass ovaries it takes.

I’m gonna vote for you Hillary Clinton, but I’m only gonna do it for the same reason I’m getting a colonoscopy next week. Because I have too, and if I don’t, I might unexpectedly die in the next few years.

Sanders 2016!!!!

Yo say what you will about this woman but gottttttdammmmmn if she ain’t a fucking boss bitch.

Because hyenas are fucking metal.

For female hyenas, a lot happens through the clitoris—mating, urination, and even giving birth. Trying to put a penis inside a pseudopenis, or push a baby out a long, narrow clitoris, is unsurprisingly pretty challenging

I agree w all of these sentiments and will subscribe to your newsletter

But did you see the bit where the pseudopenis is the fucking birth canal? That has to tear open in order for the baby to come out?!

I once spent like an hour reading about hyena clitorises and it is always my go-to interesting fact for when I am a little bit drunk. ‘DUDE, DID YOU KNOW ABOUT HYENA GENITALS’ is generally somewhere between ‘Gregory Peck was a stone-cold fox’ and ‘Bulbasaur is the best starter Pokémon, who wants to fight me’ on my

lololol this one’s my favorite

I laughed.


Since when has feminism meant that women had to be just like men???

I know that’s what you tell yourself before retreating to your bedroom with headphones.

The Deadspin Staff wouldn’t put themselves on the list.

How? Explain to me how.

Bruce Springsteen fanboys not on the list? Entire list invalid.