AJ Archer-Kane

I’m only 5’11” but I’m terribly shy. So being a taller-than-average lady (especially in heels) tends to draw eyeballs on me. It isn’t the worst ailment in the world, but I used to dream of being ‘regular’ sized and being able to blend in with a crowd.

I wish I’d tried that. I was achingly shy and got most of my height by the time I was 12 so it was a very miserable time for me. I look back at my childhood and realise that I could have kicked some ass if I’d wanted to. I was a good student, no teacher would suspect me.

I’m 5’9 and I got bullied for it so much at school that I developed a slouch that has never really gone away. I’ve always felt unfeminine as a result because I am not dainty and petite. And guys can be super fucking weird about women who are taller than them. My ex didn’t like the fact that I was one whole inch taller

I don’t understand the snark (“gripe” “tall people problems”). Being a tall woman in a society that idealizes female daintiness, portrays women who are taller than men as threats and ineligible for romantic relationships, and even cautions us not to take up too much physical space can be emotionally taxing. I’m only

her tweet is so fucking funny. “eppur si muove” like “HEY POPE... WE’RE STILL ALIVE AREN’T WE”

The black dude doesn’t need to be shooting anything! Running away gets them shot :(

Come on, now, he wasn’t being as threatening as, say, a 12-year-old boy playing with a toy gun in a park, or a large man saying “Just leave me alone, stop harassing me,” or even a teenage boy walking in the street instead of on the sidewalk. These poor cops face so many dangers like those every day, and should be

The cops knew he didn’t present any danger to them.

Listen...I am tired.

Switzerland has a lot of rifles. Handguns and the culture surrounding them is a little different than: “Here is your militia-issued rifle. Keep it clean.”

I understand your point, but it is an inherent good that he will be forced to stand trial for his crimes.

I’m glad they took him alive but you are right about that.

we don’t need no water, let the motherfucker burn.


So glad they caught the fucker alive. I want to hear why and most importantly I want the “lone wolf”/ “lone gunman”/ “mentally ill” crowd to go to the nearest sky scraper, hold hands and jump off.

“Dylann Storm Roof”

Switzerland has lots of guns too but you know they’re Swiss, so maybe the problem isn’t always just the guns.

I was watching the news this morning when the news-reader said, “He’s in a black sedan,” and showed the picture. I turned to my wife and said, “Why can’t they say it’s a black 1999-2000 Hyundai Elantra?”
