AJ Archer-Kane

Here’s one girl that’s working on a vehicle and she knows what she’s doing.

Princess (now Queen ) Elizabeth during WWII

Thank you from every woman that really do work on cars!!!!!!!! 5 billion stars.

When did community pools become such a minefield for cops? How hard can this be?

That will prove interesting when you don't have the human resources to support an aging population (other countries are actually dealing with this: Denmark, for example.). For the continuation of society: yeah, you need to keep getting knocked up as a group. That said, people really don't need to have a whole bunch of

The economy had nothing to do with my decision to have a baby, but my age certainly did. My doc advised me that if I wanted a baby, it would be best to do it before age 35 - for the health of the baby and me. My son was born about three months before my 35th birthday.

You are right- they don’t pay attention to this because men are not proactively treated like they have no self control. They would pay attention if society and culture actually treated them like that.

i am not a die hard 007 fan

Hah. And I’m sitting here thinking, “Thank Christ it was the Canadians this time.”

Oh man, I just love arguments that boil down to “Men do stupid shit because they are fucking idiots”. But let’s definitely make sure they’re always in power.

Canada’s Chief of the Defence (sic)

You are still more polite

You have men living there who think they get a pass for bad behavior because they are animals? Nope. Sorry. But still better than most (and probably us).

but it’s because we’re biologically wired in a certain way

The military intelligence jokes pretty much write themselves, don’t they?

Oh god I'm so sorry about this please pretend it's not happening and let me continue to believe in the slight superiority of my country over yours


Was there ever a time when The View wasn’t just stupid people saying stupid things?

yo, uh, Tilda has the same haircut as donald trump.

Of course she does.