If they'd thrown the word "musical" in there too, I'd be sold.
If they'd thrown the word "musical" in there too, I'd be sold.
Why do people keep using their music without permission? You would think that after the first time someone got sued for it they would cut it out.
It’s actually pretty uncool to use ANYONE’S artistic property without their permission, regardless of whether they’re going to sue you for it or not.
He’s 11 yrs older. Not ridiculous, but it is bothersome that 35 year old men are rarely paired with 35 yr old women...those women are paired with 50-70 yr old men.
How can you people support this BLATANT MISANDRY?! Shouldn’t an ostensibly feminist website be in favor of EQUALITY, particularly forms of equality which MAINTAIN THE STATUS QUO?! This is a STEP TOO FAR, ladies. That’s why feminism is out of date and useless!
Eh, Chris Pratt doesn’t feel old, though. I agree on Silver Linings Playbook, that was weird.
I love Chris Pratt, but why are they always pairing up Jennifer Lawrence with dudes a lot older than her? She has such a baby face too...
Tandem yessssgasming. Yassssss!
Okay, so I am in a bad mood, granted, but this is so far out of my ken as an ordinary citizen that I am not feeling it. I understand that women actors in Hollywood are up in arms over smaller paychecks than their male counterparts are granted and well they should be, but how does this impact us as a whole? So Jennifer…
Nah, she only brings a couple Oscar noms, an actual Oscar and a HUGE franchise.... girl is slumming it. LOL ;)
Oh god. Not the two most beloved, sorta goofy, sexy ass mofos in Hollywood. Together. I’m going to be on a nonstop yessssssgasm ride into the sunset.
And what does my husband have to say about this? “But does she have a raptor squad? No? Girl ain’t legit.”
Because they were contacted by a reporter who was doing a story on her not being black.
Still made of flour, though. :-/
Seriously I just texted my husband to get a burrito bowl for dinner (which I guess defeats the purpose of the tortilla article, but Chipotle has a strong draw for me)
“350-pound Tortilla Dough Ball” was my nickname in high school.
Now i’m all hungry.
Seriously. LGBT Palestinians need help, but it’s not like they have a warm reception at home to start with.
Russia - We have new missiles of incalculable death dealing potential