AJ Archer-Kane

No one even thought of working after having kids, and few have any plans to go back even when the kids have left home.

On the one hand, recognizing that the work a SAHM does benefits the family and is worthy of remuneration: I can see how this could arguably be a good thing, in a step-in-the-right-direction way.

I know I’m not supposed to be “snarking” on other women/moms, and I’m supposed to support everyone’s choices without contributing to the “mommy wars”. But I live around people who are a little like this, and I’m sorry but it’s getting old. No actual wife bonuses. But a whole lot of women whose lives revolve around

My wife and I have a great relationship. We both work our butts off. Because one of my children needs special care she’s made the decision to stay home and be the “hard working from home” partner in our relationship. If I made tons of money I would fucking shower her with money and gifts at every opportunity. I don’t

The lesson here, to me, is that we’ve so absorbed and believed in the idea of romantic love being the primary, if not only, reason to partner with someone, we reject any other mutually agreed upon, compensated arrangement as perverse. And an assumption that a woman in such an arrangement isn’t respected, is being

There is also a fake trend bonus at the New York Times.

I fucking loved this article because, just like watching any installment of the Real Housewives franchise, allows me to feel morally superior.

the hottest media complaint of 2010!

the two men actually have a surprising amount in common.

Pop-quizzes are the gateway info-graphics to Buzzfeed.

If you like the chart above, you’ll just absolutely love this Mad Men quiz survey from Gawker on Monday.

RE “Extent of Sex Scandal”: I can’t Google this on company time, but didn’t Letterman also frequent at least one Madam who specialized in some kind of kink? I thought one of the NY papers leaked this... or have I just sniffed too much glue?

this is great and awesome but.

Seriously! Why would anyone who is done with the horrors of being in middle school willingly associate socially with middle schoolers? They. Are. The. WORST. (Also, this whole thing is super icky and horrifying and inappropriate.)

When will they jail the person who came up with 8th grade prom?

Middle School?

The only thing he didn’t supply them with was the condoms, because this is Georgia we’re talking about here.

*Reads title* Wow this is fucked up.


Wright’s bond has been set at $16,000.