Andrew Adams

Well shit... That's weird.

Wait how do you figure 8 years old? Cause there was no Veyron when I was 12

If Citroen gets the production model anywhere near that concept design this SUV will be a good thing.

Yeah It really ruins the grilles which I think is a strong point on this design.

prob radar cruise control and the thing that stops you from rear ending people.

Not saying it's a bad thing.

First off. I like the new daily wrap up thing. Great thing to sit down to after work. The story of the kid not driving makes me sad. I mean i was on the oposite end of that scale. I was begging my parents to let me drive since i could form the words to do so. But Driving and all that is part of the american

Back the fuck up everyone.

Porsche...please stop this... please.

The Volvo 262c is a beautiful car. Hurts me to see it on that list.

One can only hope that they make it a real retro body to compete with the likes of the Challenger. And not just stick a classic name on another 4 door GM product somewhere. Please GM. Do this one right.

HAHA, I was a Maroon Horizon.

Any single turbo 2JZ.

This is how the X6 should have looked all along.

Can someone out there do a modern rendering of this. Please.

Where do I get my bumper sticker. What a conversation starter. eh?

Posche built its legacy on putting flat engines in the wrong place and telling every to fuck right off when they called it stupid. They didn't turbocharge anything for at least 20 years. And they reserve Turbos for the top of the line gofast model of each car. If you look at the real legacy road cars that Porsche

Now playing

Well that news was a great way to already ruin my day at 9 am. Porsche taking us one step further away from the age of natural aspiration and into the age of pussified turbocharged small engines. I mean who the hell is going to ever notice or appreciate the 20 extra ponies. Attached is a video so we can all mourn.

2007 Tahoe. They took the Heated Washer Fluid out because it could start a fire. In compensation they gave us $100... And they left the button on the dash to forever remind you that your life sucks more because you have to scrape the ice off you wind screen now. First world problems.

I like when the guy in the 917 checks his rear view.