
pics or it didn’t happen

Nice! Thanks much

That just means there will be another album or 2 soon

It’s true. Humans make horrible people

Hack the gibson first. baby steps.

As horrifying as that sounds it would totally be worth it just to watch his head explode

mmm. olestra. Everybody loves a bad case of anal leakage!

Officially, no (read: yes, but only from 3rd parties and they’re bloody expensive)

Maybe they’re into that sort of thing.

The other oxo spatulas are under $10. Seems like someone may have plugged their own item on amazon

a $25 spatula?

Wait, Verizon started updating phones? When did that happen?

What if they weren’t homeless? What if someone asked you or I to walk around SXSW wearing a hotspot, and we agreed to do it in exchange for money.

I had the same experience. They asked why I was leaving, I told them that the company expects an amount of devotion that even the pope himself doesn’t demand, and that my boss has a thing for telling his team how much they suck and can all be replaced with a phone call so I want to go somewhere that values their

San Francisco doesn’t either. The game is 50 miles away

Fuck the stuporbowl and the $5.3mil (so far) thats being footed by the taxpayers for an event most of us can’t afford to go to. Fuck public funds going towards a “non profit” that brings in billions. Fuck the 3 weeks of gridlock downtown. Fuck having to go through a metal detector to go to work. Fuck the 50o busses

Yep, exactly.

If you haven’t run them lately, run windows updates. 10 installer runs from there.

As long as caltrans doesn’t try to build a bridge over it we should be ok

MS updates for win10 are using torrent for distribution