
Waaaaaaaaay back when I was in a callcenter doing cancellations for Prodigy, shortly after they got the internet. I’d decided I was done being told Thursday when I was working the next week and rarely had the same shift 2 days in a row. It took a couple hours to work myself up to it but that was the day I told a

Did they make Outlook for Android any less of a steaming pile of buggy crap? We had to stop using it because it was way too crashy and painfully slow.

I've been in this mine. It's got a huge zipline course as well. It's worth the trip if you find yourself in Louisville

That says a lot about the material they use.

That bottle of Pappy is far more important than having the lightest tent out there.

Also, love the tent. I took one on my JMT hike last year, it worked perfectly. Not sure I'd put a dog in it tho, that bathtub floor is pretty thin,

Metal transfers heat, you don't typically want a warm rolling pin

If you wouldn't mind, please share that STL

Personal responsibility is overrated. It's everyone else's fault!

I've had checks not sent that were supposedly delivered, checks sent for the wrong amount, bounced payments regardless of what is in the account, it's been bad. I doubt I'll trust them again at this point but I'm not closing the account just yet.

Simple was great for me for a while, but since they change their back end it's been a nightmare. I may go back once they fix their issues and actually do electronic transfers instead of mailing a check but probably not...

Don't those cans of air have bitterants in them?

Ocean Beach, San Francisco CA
2br 1bath
As far out of downtown as one can live and still be in San Francisco.

They're way ahead of ya. Drones are banned in all NPs.

If your phone doesn't do induction charging perhaps this isn't the table for you.

Give me a kindle credit instead and I'll use the hell out of it. Their streaming selection isn't worth waiting a week for an order.

Somewhere in Moscow Putin is giving the sky the finger and yelling "missed me!"

What could the airlines really respond with besides rerouting traffic?

Oh! You did do Pants Pass, just didn't call it that. That was my favorite part of the hike, even if we did take the hard way down the waterfall into whatever that meadow was instead of using the tree line.

It's a strenuous hike for sure but I wasn't in the best shape when I did it last year. Just take the passes slow, rest when you need to and you'll be fine. This trail goes up the back side of Whitney, not the death march they call a trail up the front side.

Great article on one of my favorite trails in The Sierra's! If you ever make it back that way check out Pants Pass. It's a cross country route over the Kaweah Gap, right before the HST heads down into the Kern Valley. Totally worth the trek if you're feeling particularly adventurous.