
Bear mace works well on just about anything with wet squishy eyes. I do a lot of backpacking in California black bear country where the bears are timid and terrified of humans but I still won't hike without the stuff on my belt.

Perhaps, but how would that law affect heterosexual couples who for one reason or another can't reproduce?

Which law of physics opposes gay marriage? Please, be specific.

$129 for a cheap set of crappy screwdrivers and hex keys? Wow.

Is there an android equivalent?

Moto Assist is great! NFL Mobile however...

Having someone come in every couple weeks to do a good thorough cleaning of the apartment is worth every penny.

That depends, can I make it purple and have a perpetual, naturally spikey mohawk?

Not saying there's anything wrong with the weekend warrior hikers at all. Just saying this is more for that crowd.
Whiskey isn't about abv for me, it's about bringing something I enjoy. I'm a big beer fan but I firmly believe life is too short for bad beer, and if this article is to be believed - this is bad beer.

Yep, it's perfect for the weekend warrior hikers or short trips, good for those camp sites that are a mile or so from the parking lot, it's perfect for a lot of applications (if ya don't mind crappy beer-like beverages). I might even consider bringing a few packs on a 50 or so mile hike, but for my weight to enjoyment

You're right, the concentrate serves the same purpose as the dry powder.
I'm a backpacker. A 100 mile hike in the mountains is my idea of a good time. Even though those packs are concentrated, they're still liquid. Ounces add up fast. Those packs are great for lots of people but for me dry powder is the only way to

Huh. I'm doing the John Muir Trail this summer, packing heavy liquids on a 230mi hike doesn't sound like much fun. I'll stick with my powdered beverage mixes and have a beer at Whitney Portal when I come out.

But they're entitled to live here, didn't you get the memo? They've lived in the same apartment for decades, pay half what the rest of us pay in rent and can't afford to move in the city so clearly it's their right to hold the landlord hostage and live in the same rent controlled apartment forever!

No way man. He's your problem now! Maybe you can convince him to go east, I hear Colorado is nice this time of year.

Oh no! Companies are putting up temporary shops in a market they wouldn't otherwise be available in! Small bits of green space in front of businesses! The horror!

Still waiting...

Don't give this guy any ideas.

Some friends in Toronto say it was a window shattering kaboom. That's better than nothing I guess.

Finally! An earth shattering kaboom!