I've had checks not sent that were supposedly delivered, checks sent for the wrong amount, bounced payments regardless of what is in the account, it's been bad. I doubt I'll trust them again at this point but I'm not closing the account just yet.
I've had checks not sent that were supposedly delivered, checks sent for the wrong amount, bounced payments regardless of what is in the account, it's been bad. I doubt I'll trust them again at this point but I'm not closing the account just yet.
Simple was great for me for a while, but since they change their back end it's been a nightmare. I may go back once they fix their issues and actually do electronic transfers instead of mailing a check but probably not...
Don't those cans of air have bitterants in them?
Give me a kindle credit instead and I'll use the hell out of it. Their streaming selection isn't worth waiting a week for an order.
What could the airlines really respond with besides rerouting traffic?
Is there an android equivalent?
Moto Assist is great! NFL Mobile however...
Having someone come in every couple weeks to do a good thorough cleaning of the apartment is worth every penny.
Still waiting...
I tried. The sheriff just doesn't give them out. 1 person got one in 2013. An elderly jeweler. If I lived in South San Francisco or Oakland I could get one, just not in SF proper.
This is California. We have to pass a background check to buy one. CCW is at the local sheriff's discretion. He doesn't give them out.
I wish I could get one. SF issued 1 in 2013 to an elderly jeweler who will never use it. It sucks.
Sadly not all of us can get a ccw. They're just not issued in San Francisco at all, sometimes they're prohibitively difficult to get.
That's no fun!
That's not the case at all. I don't see myself as superior, I see myself as equal. You, sir, are the person who is saying what someone else does in the privacy of their bedroom is beneath you.
Sure, those events suck but if you believe that's all there is to life you're going to spend your short time on this planet as a miserable individual.
Look through the comments on this thread. Lots of people still care if someone is straight or gay. Sure, they're in the minority and on the wrong side of history but they do still exist.
Life is what you make it. There are no easy paths, there are no handouts, there are no magical fairies waving their wands to make your life better.
That's the difference between being out and coming out. Who I love doesn't define me, nor should it.