So what you're saying is its cool to be gay, but the gays need to have sex the same way you do, ya know, with girls.
So what you're saying is its cool to be gay, but the gays need to have sex the same way you do, ya know, with girls.
They are marketed mostly towards the outdoor types. I carry one as a backup when I'm in the mountains, Giardia sucks! It's worth every penny.
The author is just making sure someone is paying attention. You win half an internet.
The most I've done is a 48 hour shift, 12 hour nap then another 48 hour shift. I was working for a global bank at the time and we had a catastrophic system failure. It sucks, but that's how it goes sometimes. It's fine if that happens a couple times over the course of a career, but my current boss has some ridiculous…
Need anybody for IT? The CTO of the accountant/tax firm I work for wants us at our desk 12 hours in the off season, 16+ during tax season.
I'm in IT for tax. You're not kidding about those 6 months. It's hell for everybody involved.
My experience shipping things for work has always been if it absolutely has to get there in one piece, overnight it. If it's got time to sit on a trailer it's going to get used as a seat.
Why is this so much different from a long hike in the mountains? Hiking 250+ miles at 10,000+' altitude with 50lbs on my back isn't uncommon, at the end of the hike I definitely feel a bit worse for wear, but nothing like what you're describing.
Android KitKat: Coming to Verizon in 2017
A friend has this thing. It just makes him work harder at seeing how many alarms he can get to go off in any given trip.
Bravo! I used to love backorifice until the AV scanners started to pick it up.
OK! I'll talk! In third grade, I cheated on my history exam. In fourth grade, I stole my uncle Max's toupee and I glued it on my face when I was Moses in my Hebrew School play. In fifth grade, I knocked my sister Edie down the stairs and I blamed it on the dog... When my mom sent me to the summer camp for fat kids and…
I have 2 left, who wants 'em?
Can someone send me one please? aja175(at)
Bravo! if I could bump this to the top of the thread I would. Today, you win an internet.
but what do they mean?
I've found I have better control over my 45 one handed. Not sure why or how, it just is.
Alan, I did read the article. Most of it is a wonderful how-to for some of the more advanced features of commonly available software, but the headline itself hints at using these methods to get around security controls and the article specifically talks about using portable apps to "not run afoul of IT admins who…